This LDPI Working Paper Series includes work in progress presented at the 2024 Global Land Grabbing Conference in Bogotá, addressing urgent challenges related to land, water, and natural resource grabbing.
- Agrarian Conversations
17 April 2024
The world's biggest cotton certification scheme is giving the green light to clothes made from cotton farmed on mega estates ‘plundering’ the Cerrado.
While farmers across Europe protest high costs and foreign competition, agribusiness investors continue to fortify their positions in the Spanish and European agricultural sector.
- Euronews
22 February 2024
Con rentabilidades superiores al 15%, más de la mitad de las inversiones de 950 fondos de inversión dedicados a la alimentación y la agricultura, fueran en la adquisición de tierras de cultivo. Firmas de gestión de activos pueden reconfigurar la propiedad de la tierra en Europa.
- Euronwes
20 February 2024
La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a levé les restrictions auxquelles les citoyens de l’UE sont confrontés lorsqu’ils achètent des terres agricoles en Bulgarie
The EU Court of Justice lifted the restrictions EU citizens face when buying agricultural land in Bulgaria in a ruling published on Thursday, more than 17 years after the country joined the bloc.
BP is considering investing directly in farming what are known as cover crops its rival Eni has already invested in building large feedstock farming operations in Kenya.
In the face of increased land grabbing and speculation, the European Commission must put a common land governance framework on the political agenda in coming months to ensure a future for farmers and protect the well-being of citizens.
- EU Observer
14 April 2023
ECVC ha publicado hoy una propuesta redactada por campesinxs para una Directiva Europea sobre Tierras Agrícolas.
Aujourd’hui, ECVC publie une proposition paysanne de directive européenne sur les terres agricoles qui vise à combattre la concentration et l'accaparement des terres en Europe
The directive outlines how EU institutions can implement fair, democratic and sustainable land policies to combat the economic, ecological and climate crises and guarantee food sovereignty.
Un nuevo informe revela que se necesitarán más de 400.000 hectáreas de tierras en el Mercosur para producir las nuevas cuotas de exportación hacia la Unión Europea de carne, azúcar, arroz, pollos y bioetanol.
- Entrepueblos
18 November 2022