About farmlandgrab.org

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This website contains news about the global rush to buy or lease farmlands by agribusiness, governments and financial investors -- and people’s resistance against it. Its purpose is to serve as a resource for those monitoring, researching or organising around the issue, particularly activists, non-government organisations and journalists. It was initially set up by GRAIN, to share evidence of the new global farmland grab documented in Seized: The 2008 land grab for food and financial security.

Starting in 2023, we have expanded the scope of the site to include land grabs for carbon farming. These are corporate initiatives that take land away from local communities in order to produce carbon credits, which are used by companies to offset their climate emissions, for international markets. Our coverage of this trend is limited to cases that involve the grabbing of farmland for the large-scale planting of crops and/or trees and are contested by local communities.

This site is updated daily, with news clips from mainstream media, social movements, specialised press and academics. The posts are organised by their original publication date and the original source is always provided. Readers can subscribe to the site’s weekly email or the RSS feed.

Farmlandgrab.org is an open project. While GRAIN continues to maintain it, anyone can join in posting materials or developing the site further. Please feel free to upload your own contributions. Only the lightest editorial oversight will apply. You can also use the comments box under any post to speak up. Just be aware that this site is strictly educational and non-commercial in nature. If you would like to get more directly involved, or have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].

If you find this website useful, please consider helping us cover the costs of the work that goes into it. You can do this by going to GRAIN's website and making a donation, no matter how small. We really appreciate the support.

Practical tips:

* All pictures in the articles on this site can be accessed in their original, full size. Just click on the image, and the original will load.

* Article postings considered off-topic are moved here.

* You can navigate the site in English, French or Spanish. You may also see collections of articles in other languages like Bahasa, Portuguese or Japanese in the dropdown “language” menu.

Who's involved?

Whos Involved?

Carbon land deals

  • 07 Oct 2025 - Cape Town, South Africa
    Land, Life and Society: International conference on the road to ICARRD+20
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