After establishing the scheme in 2012 on land it bought in Uruguay, Harvard sold the land across two deals in 2017 and 2019 worth a combined $450m. But the project is still active today and has sold enough credits to have supposedly offset over 5 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.
Russia has seized companies belonging to agricultural firm AgroTerra and placed them under temporary management, including some backed by Dutch investment firms, a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin showed late on Monday.
The company has reached a deal to buy both AvoAmerica Peru and Bomarea from U.S.-based Solum Partners and Alpine Fresh, it said on Saturday, following its January acquisition of Verfrut, which produces fruits in Chile and Peru.
En 2023, des groupes financiers ont acquis des exploitations espagnoles pour 2 milliards d’euros. Le principal syndicat des petits agriculteurs s’inquiète d’une ubérisation des campagnes, tandis que d’autres tentent de vendre au meilleur prix.
- Le Monde
29 February 2024
Some of the world's largest pension funds bet big on Brazilian farmland. Communities, and the climate, are paying the price
En partenariat avec 17 organisations de Harvard et du monde entier, la Coalition Stop Harvard Land Grabs tente de mettre fin aux investissements réalisés par l’Université dans les ressources naturelles et exige des solutions régénératrices aux dommages causés par ces exploitations.
- The Crimson
09 November 2023
The Stop Harvard Land Grabs Coalition reiterated calls for the University to provide reparations to residents impacted by former holdings in Brazilian farmlands at an annual hybrid panel on Wednesday.
- The Crimson
09 November 2023
A California county board of supervisors voted to uphold a decision rejecting a project to construct three water storage reservoirs on former Harvard University land holdings in central California.
- Harvard Crimson
12 October 2023
Stop Harvard Land Grabs continues to demand that Harvard give full transparency about its land investments, return land back to communities, pay reparations, and adopt a policy against future farmland investments.
- Stop Harvard Land Grabs
11 October 2023
Financial players are moving aggressively to snatch up lands around the world with access to water for irrigation. Their strategy is to pump as much water as they can and as fast as they can into the production of crops that reap high prices in export markets.
A new report explains how Harvard University, pension fund TIAA and multinational agribusiness corporation Bunge are enabling illegal land grabs and increasing deforestation for soy production
"Empresas transnacionais do agronegócio causam violência, grilagem de terras e destruição no Cerrado" é o título de um novo relatório da Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos