• Harvard farmland acquisitions criticized as unethical
    • Chief Investment Officer
    • 14 September 2018

    A new report accuses Harvard University’s endowment of contributing to “environmental destruction,” and the displacement and harassment of communities in its pursuit to acquire $1 billion worth of farmland worldwide over the past decade.

  • Harvard purchases 741,000 acres and creates conflict with local communities
    • Brasil de Fato
    • 13 September 2018

    The US university, through its endowment fund, maintains a business chain with Brazilian companies and its subsidiaries to circumvent Brazilian law, according to a report.

  • Harvard’s farmland holdings come under fire in new report
    • Harvard Crimson
    • 10 September 2018

    A new report details the web of companies with which Harvard Management Company, the university’s investment arm, directly invests in farmland around the world, risking conflict with communities from California to Brazil.

  • Harvard University accused of land grab & violation of indigenous people's rights: study
    • Down to Earth
    • 08 September 2018

    The university's endowment fund, meant to support educational and research goals, was misused to acquire 850,000 hectares of farmland across 5 continents during the past 10 years.

  • Harvard’s foreign farmland investment mess
    • Bloomberg
    • 07 September 2018

    The university’s holdings in developing markets have proved to be more trouble than they’re worth.

  • El fiasco de Harvard: mil millones de dólares en tierras agrícolas
    • GRAIN y Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos
    • 06 September 2018

    Uno de los mayores compradores de tierras agrícolas del mundo está en problemas debido a su implicación en conflictos por la tierra, destrucción ambiental e inversiones arriesgadas. Este nuevo informe de GRAIN y Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos presenta por primera vez un análisis exhaustivo de las cuestionadas inversiones de la Universidad de Harvard en tierras agrícolas por todo el mundo.

  • Un milliard de dollars de Harvard dans un fiasco lié aux terres agricoles
    • GRAIN et Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos
    • 06 September 2018

    L’un des principaux acquéreurs de terres agricoles au monde est sur la sellette en raison de conflits fonciers, de destruction de l’environnement et d’investissements à risque. Un nouveau rapport de GRAIN et de Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos présente, pour la première fois, une analyse exhaustive des investissements controversés de l’Université Harvard dans les terres agricoles au niveau mondial.

  • O fiasco agrícola bilionário da Universidade de Harvard
    • GRAIN e Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos
    • 06 September 2018

    Um dos principais compradores de terras agrícolas no mundo é alvo de críticas por conflitos fundiários, devastação ambiental e investimentos arriscados. Novo relatório da GRAIN e da Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos apresenta uma análise abrangente e inédita dos investimentos polêmicos da Universidade de Harvard na compra, em escala global, de terras agrícolas.

  • Harvard's billion-dollar farmland fiasco
    • GRAIN and Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos
    • 06 September 2018

    One of the world's major buyers of farmland is under fire for their involvement in land conflicts, environmental destruction and risky investments. A new report by GRAIN and Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos presents, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of Harvard University's controversial investments in global farmland.

  • Brazilian contested land risks may decrease value of Harvard’s endowment
    • The Chain
    • 01 June 2018

    There are signs that Brazil’s overvalued farmland may continue to face further contested land risks, especially if Brazilian prosecutors continue to analyze investments that lack clear land title.

  • Brasil: Empresa que integra fundo de Harvard comprou terras griladas na Bahia
    • Publica
    • 17 May 2018

    Propriedade de fundo bilionário da universidade americana explora terras no cerrado com longo histórico de expulsões, fraudes e mortes

  • Brasil: Nos baixões do Piauí, paga-se o preço do progresso do Matopiba
    • Publica
    • 17 May 2018

    Na região conhecida como Matopiba, empresas de agronegócio compram terras com títulos duvidosos e entram em conflito com comunidades do cerrado; no Piauí, os relatos são de expulsões de famílias, incêndios de casas e contaminação dos rios

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