A new report by Chain Reaction Research presents data on specific actors linked to Cerrado deforestation in 2020, including the quantified risk exposure of the largest soy traders, meatpackers, and retailers.
La companía fue fundada en 2007 con el objeto de canalizar fondos para la compra y desarrollo de campos en la Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay, la producción agropecuaria y la comercialización de sus productos.
- Infocampo
21 December 2012
The six case studies compiled in this report illustrate the wide range of approaches and focus that private funds are adopting (legal structure, geography, agricultural production and operating strategies) to invest in farmland in different parts of the world.
- High Quest Partners
31 January 2012
Report by HighQuest Partners for the OECD, October 2011, features 6 case studies of land grabbers: Agrica, CalyxAgro, Cazanae, Jantzen, NFD Agro and Quifel
Land investments displace rural populations, often without any notice, and diminish their access to land, jobs, and food.
- Global Policy Forum
18 September 2011
New research accuses the World Bank Group's policies of facilitating land grabs in Africa and favouring the interests of financial markets over food security and environmental protection.
- Bretton Woods Project
14 September 2011
A proposta da Corporação Financeira Internacional (CFI) do Banco Mundial de financiar a empresa Calyx Agro não foi vista com bons olhos por organizações sociais latino-americanas e europeias.
- Correio do Brasil
06 July 2011
Groups from Latin America, Europe and around the world issue open letter calling on International Finance Corporation to reject a proposal to finance Calyx Agro's Latin American farmland grabs for foreign investors.
- farmlandgrab.org
06 July 2011
Une lettre ouverte exhorte la Société financière internationale à rejeter une proposition de financement concernant une entreprise spécialisée dans l’acquisition de terres agricoles en Amérique latine pour des investisseurs étrangers.
- farmlandgrab.org
06 July 2011
Una carta abierta de organizaciones de la sociedad civil pide a la Corporación Financiera Internacional del Banco Mundial que rechace una propuesta para financiar a Calyx Agro
- farmlandgrab.org
06 July 2011
O Banco Mundial prepara-se para injetar 30 milhões de dólares num fundo que compra terra arável na América Latina em nome de algumas das pessoas mais ricas do mundo
- Matutações/GRAIN
10 June 2011
El 10 de junio de 2011, la junta directiva de la Corporación Financiera Internacional (CFI) del Banco Mundial tiene previsto decidir sobre la conveniencia de ofrecer un préstamo esencial para Calyx Agro Ltd.