This certification is next in line of a number of highly controversial certifications of the SOCFIN group in Nigeria, Cameroon and Ivory Coast.
Le label “durable” RSPO a été octroyé à Socfin en Sierra Leone malgré un conflit foncier flagrant
Le 3 mars 2022, Assurance Services International a publié le résultat d'une plainte déposée par Milieudefensie concernant le processus de certification des plantations de Socfin au Cameroun, au Nigeria, en Côte d'Ivoire et en Sierra Leone
- Milieudefensie
18 Mar 2022
Une revue de 15 projets dans 11 pays tire la sonnette d'alarme sur l'accaparement de l'eau et appelle à une action urgente pour protéger le droit à l'eau en Afrique.
- Oakland Institute
15 Mar 2022
A review of 15 large-scale agriculture projects across 11 African countries, exposes how these projects lead to the loss of streams and swamps and pollute water sources.
- Oakland Institute
15 Mar 2022
Researchers say that cross-border campaigning and resistance by community land rights organizations is a major reason why the industry has faltered in Africa.
The handful of companies that control industrial palm oil production in West and Central Africa have been linked to numerous social and environmental impacts, violating their buyers’ NDPE commitments.
La adquisición de tierras a gran escala por parte de Socfin Agricultural Company en Sahn Malen, Sierra Leona, es causa de importantes conflictos sociales y de tierras y numerosas violaciones de los derechos humanos de las comunidades afectadas.
Women in the districts of Bombali and Pujehun, affected by the large-scale land acquisition by multilateral companies have called on the government to ensure inclusiveness in decision- making and good governance of their lands.
- Politico SL
14 December 2021
Examples of large-scale land acquisitions in Sierra Leone (Addax/Sunbird Bioenergy and Socfin) and the DR Congo (Feronia) call for European and African governments and development banks to stop funding such operations
Trois nouveaux rapports sur les expériences autour de Addax (Sierra Leone), Socfin (Sierra Leone) et Feronia (RD Congo). Coordonné par CIDSE.
CIDSE coordinó la producción de esta serie, en colaboración con CGLTE-OA y actores clave involucrados en la plataforma africana “Our Land Is Our Life”, junto con organizaciones internacionales de la sociedad civil en Austria, Bélgica. Francia, Alemania y Suiza.