• How best to invest in agriculture: Discussion with Ravi Sood
    • Globe and Mail
    • 11 January 2010

    Lawrence Asset Management's Ravi Sood suggests investing in food production in low-cost areas that are water-rich – Brazil, tropical Africa, Malaysia and Indonesia.

  • Uruguay: se restaura Campaña de Firmas en defensa de nuestra tierra
    • El Polvorín
    • 21 December 2009

    La adquisición de tierra en grandes superficies por extranjeros no residentes, constituye una evasión de la riqueza producida en Uruguay hacia otras economías o personas en el exterior sin la contrapartida de que la tierra y los bienes nacionales produzcan el bien social que debe y tiene derecho la República

  • Agro-Ecological Investment Management to launch $60m maiden fund
    • AltAssets
    • 07 December 2009

    Agro-Ecological Investment Management, a private equity and real estate asset management company based in London, will launch its first fund in the first quarter of 2010, with a target of between $50m and $60m.

  • Korea’s overseas development backfires
    • Korea Times
    • 04 December 2009

    That Korea is no longer "importing" this food that is being grown overseas implies that this land is effectively Korean. This amounts to agricultural imperialism.

  • Korea seeks cheap land overseas to grow food
    • Joong Ang Daily
    • 16 November 2009

    Local provincial governments are working hard to develop farmland in other countries -- Russia, Cambodia, Mongolia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Paraguay, Uruguay -- because it’s cheaper than relying on imports

  • BrasilAgro to invest $100 million in Brazil farmland expansion
    • Bloomberg
    • 12 November 2009

    BrazilAgro owns close to 200,000 hectares of farmland in Brazil, said Elsztain. Cresud Sacifya, the biggest farmland owner in Argentina, holds 22.89 percent of BrasilAgro and operates the company.

  • Dreyfus sees commods consolidation, sugar next
    • Reuters
    • 27 October 2009

    Volatility in commodity markets tends to boost consolidation in the agriculture sector as firms require more capital and improved risk management, the executive officer of French giant Louis Dreyfus said Tuesday. One of the company's focus now is on farmland.

  • Solvent extractors want Govt aid to buy farmland abroad
    • Hindu Business Line
    • 27 October 2009

    The Solvent Extractors’ Association of India, a body of over 800 edible oil producing companies, is looking to buy tracts of agricultural land in South America, Africa and Myanmar.

  • Indians go in search of El Dorado
    • Times of India
    • 29 September 2009

    The Solvent Extractors Association, the Indian oilseeds industry body, has formed a consortium of 18 companies to acquire 10,000 hectares of prime farmland in a $40-million deal in Uruguay and Paraguay to cultivate oilseeds and pulses. The association says they are hamstrung only by access to finance, otherwise they have it all sewn up.

  • India: Edible oil industry eyes offshore cultivation
    • Economic Times
    • 24 July 2009

    India's edible oil industry, which has been trying over the past couple of years to venture into oilseeds cultivation in Paraguay and Uruguay, but could not make much headway due to high cost of finance, is charged up again to take fresh initiatives to realise the dream project.

  • Uruguay farm visit (with CII)
    • YouTube
    • 22 July 2009

    Visit to a 2000 hectare farm in Uruguay on July 4, 2009 with Vinod Surana, CEO of Surana and Surana and leader of CII delegation from India visiting Argentina and Uruguay on June 29 - July 3, 2009

  • Agriculture Outsourcing: South America/Latin America farmland investing
    • YouTube
    • 21 July 2009

    Corporate pitch from Uruguay-based private equity firm Allied Venture for Indian investors to go into outsourced agriculture in Latin America

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