"We came to the conclusion that Kurdistan has fertile land suitable for investment in agriculture and planting," says the head of a delegation from the Emirati Al Abrar Company.
- Iraq Business News
30 December 2022
Iraq’s trade ministry said on Wednesday a joint Iraqi-Saudi coordination council was considering an investment in one million hectares of agricultural land in the western province of Anbar.
AAAID Chairman says scores of investors have expressed the desire for partnerships with the Authority in agriculture.
- Sudan Vision
09 August 2016
Arab states should buy land in Kurdistan and Kazakhstan to produce staple foods to secure future food resources says a senior Arab League official.
A handful of North African countries, along with Iraq and Sudan, could feed the Gulf.
- National
02 February 2011
Gulf governments have focused almost exclusively on controlling land where food is grown, investing in projects and buying land in North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and central Asia. Perhaps the better strategy would be to look for food closer to home.
- The National
13 January 2011
Abou Dabi, qui a des vues sur des terres agricoles en Irak, vient de créer une nouvelle structure, ADS pour «Abu Dhabi Sources».
A publication (82 pages) entitled ‘Agro-Neocapatilism and Land grab’ featuring Arabic and Kurdish translations of the various articles on this subject is now available
- Talib Murad
23 April 2010
Chairman of the National Investment, Sami Araji, said that Iraq is seeking the exploitation of nearly two million acres of agricultural land of direct investment by foreign companies specialized in this matter.
- IRAQdirectory.com
10 January 2010
He confirmed that the Ministry received very wide offers of investment by Arab and foreign investors.
- IRAQdirectory.com
09 January 2010
Baghdad has suggested that Gulf Cooperation Council countries invest in Iraq farms to help revive its agriculture and ensure the Gulf's food security locally.
- Gulf News
12 December 2009
"Agriculture companies from Germany and the United States have also shown interest in developing a project in Iraq, but nothing is final yet," said Sami R Al Araji, the chairman of Iraq's National Investment Commission