Mediation ends five-year Mondulkiri land dispute

Khmer Times | December 16, 2021

Mediation ends five-year Mondulkiri land dispute

Son Minea

Mediation between Bunong indigenous communities in Busra and rubber company Socfin Cambodia has concluded with agreements to end a long-standing Mondulkiri province land dispute. The conflict began in 2008, although mediation did not begin until 2016.

Signatures were added to the final agreements in September, said Khloek Keosingieb, a community representative involved throughout the negotiation process. “I can’t tell you about the compensation today but we will release details when the company provides it in early 2022,” said Keosingieb.

He went on to thank Socfin and the people of Puchar village for their participation in and commitment to the mediation process. “I and all other community representatives will respect the agreement,” he said. “I hope that the company will do the same and continue building a good relationship with the villagers.”

“The signing of these agreements between Socfin Cambodia and the representatives of the local communities represent the completion of a five-year long process through which both parties were able to address some very complex issues. This mediation gave us a platform to expose, understand and discuss grievances from both parties and come to mutual agreements settling all claims,” said Jef Boedt, Socfin Cambodia General Manager.

Ngann Yin, a community representative, shared her satisfaction: “I am happy with the mediation results because we were not pressured or intimidated by any party. It was a mutual agreement between us, the communities and the company. If it was not to our satisfaction, the negotiations would not have ended,” she said.
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