Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi talks about the leasing of large areas of Ethiopian farmland to foreign investors during a panel on African agriculture at the World Economic Forum
- World Economic Forum
06 May 2010
Question - via video - to the 2010 World Economic Forum on Africa in Dar es Salaam on land grabbing in Ethiopia
Video of a speech by Dave Ramaswamy of Allied Venture about the opportunities for India to outsource its agriculture to Latin America.
Reportage sur la conférence de presse organisée par Synergie Paysanne, le 26 avril 2010 à Cotonou, Bénin
- LC2 (Bénin)
26 April 2010
In Ethiopia, farms backed by foreign investors are growing with abundance, while native farmers subsist on food aid.
“It’s not common in Brazil to find farmers presenting accounts to international investors. What you can see here is the new model for agribusiness in Brazil,” says André Pessôa, co-ordinator of the Rally da Safra.
- Financial Times
14 April 2010
"The Chinese want a secure food supply, and they're coming into New Zealand to do that, by the look of it," a local farm union official says
In a move to attract foreign investment, Cambodia has awarded big concessions to companies, mainly from China, Vietnam and South Korea, to run mines, power plants and farms, leading to a rise in forced evictions by state officials profiting on the sale and lease of farmland for use by foreign and local companies.
Selon l'économiste Marc Urbain Proulx, les groupes chinois sont prêts à contourner la loi en faisant acheter les terres par des personnes qui résident au Québec.
Reportage sur le projet de MALIBYA, une société libyenne, au Mali.
Les campagnes du Canada et du Québec attirent de plus en plus d'investisseurs chinois à la recherche de terres agricoles ou de fermes à vendre.
Plusieurs pays avec une forte croissance démographique cherchent à acquérir des terres agricoles hors de leurs frontières, avec en toile de fond la crise alimentaire. Cette quête conduit notamment des entreprises chinoises à s'intéresser à des terres arables au Québec.