23 APR 2018
New York
Global Ag Investing

Annual farmland investor conference, now celebrating its 10th anniversary

High Quest Partners
21 APR 2018
L'accaparement des terres arables et minières dans le monde : le cas de Madagascar

Nos terres : Elles constituent un bien précieux et sacré pour la majorité des familles malgaches et, pourtant, elles sont convoitées par des sociétés et des individus, étrangers et nationaux.

Comment se passe l’accaparement des terres à Madagascar ? Qui favorise le phénomène ? « Zones économiques spéciales », ZIA, ZII et ZEE, c’est quoi ce grand bazar ?

Le Collectif « TANY » nous apportera des éléments de réponses.

21 avril 2018

Salle Edith Piaf
3 rue Mébout
69120 Vaulx-en-Velin

Espace Projets Interassociatif : 04 78 79 52 79

Espace Projets Interassociatif
22 MAR 2018
World Bank, Washington DC
Responsible land-based investment

At the World Bank Land Conference 2018’s edition, the Global Donor Working Group will hold a session about responsible land-based investment – with a slightly different focus. Under the theme Influencing the next tier of companies – promoting responsible land-based investment through investors or investment frameworks, the Group aims to advance the debate beyond the role and practices of large food and agriculture companies to better understand how global investors and national investment frameworks are selecting land-related businesses which they will support. This session will explore new ways donors and other actors can reach and influence the practices of companies investing in land at national level and discuss the opportunities and limits to influencing change via investment standards or national investment assessment processes. It will look at key incentives and constraints faced by investors in influencing the practices of investees and tools they use to assess and manage tenure risk. The panel will be composed by Samantha Lacey, from CDC Group (UK’s Development Finance Institution), Francine Picard, from IISD, who will talk about the role of DFIs in improving legal frameworks for agricultural investment in Africa, and Vivek Maru, from NAMATI, elaborating on the role of legal empowerment on making land investments responsible.

Global Donor Working Group on Land
19 MAR 2018
Washington, DC
World Bank Land Conference 2018

One theme of discussion will be "Achieving responsible large-scale land based investments: lessons learned 10 years on."

World Bank
13 MAR 2018
Cape Town
Food systems change, livelihoods and food security under large agricultural investments in Kenya and Mozambique

This presentation compares food systems under large agricultural investments, including land grabs or dispossessions, in Kenya and Mozambique. The objective is to understand the effects these investments have on the food systems, livelihoods and food security of its immediate communities.

06 MAR 2018
Planting the seeds of change - managing social issues in land investing

PRI webinar: Planting the seeds of change - managing social issues in land investing

Join the PRI's webinar Planting the seeds of change: managing social issues in land investing on 6 March 15.00-16.00 (GMT) to find out about why investors should consider land issues and learn about the Reference Guide for Risk Assessment in relation to land.

The guide provides a useful tool that can help investors identify and monitor ESG risks, and gives an overview of available information on general land-related topics for specific sectors and regions, including land use legislation for a number of countries.

Investments in real estate, large scale infrastructure, farmland and timber assets are becoming increasingly popular among institutional investors. Investments involving land acquisition carry a unique set of social and environmental risks and require specialist expertise for successful due diligence.

In this webinar we will explore some of the key characteristics of land investments and strategies for identifying and managing ESG risks with a focus on social issues including land rights, labour regulations, indigenous rights and rules on the purchase of agricultural land. Speakers will also focus particular attention – but not exclusively – on emerging market investments.

If you are unable to attend or are based in a different time-zone, we encourage you to register for this webinar so that you can receive a copy of the recording

02 MAR 2018
Projection du film "Land Grabbing"

SWISSAID Genève au Festival du Film Vert

Vendredi 2 mars au Grand Saconnex, l'Association SWISSAID Genève contribue à la projection du film "Land Grabbing", avec la collaboration du Festival du Film Vert et la Commune du Grand-Saconnex.

Le mois de mars est marqué par l'un des premiers festivals de film de l'année: le Festival du Film Vert. Une occasion unique de découvrir des films engagés dans toutes les régions de Suisse.

A cette occasion, l'Association SWISSAID Genève soutient une projection en collaboration avec la Commune du Grand-Saconnex. Le film "Land Grabbing", de Kurt Langbein, sera présenté vendredi 2 mars dans la salle communale du Grand-Saconnex. Ce documentaire passionnant explore de l'intérieur le monde des investisseurs agroalimentaires mondiaux, ainsi que le rôle des politiques européennes dans ce domaine. L'accaparement des terres n'est pas un phénomène qui ne se passe qu'en Asie ou en Afrique ; cette pratique existe aussi en Europe comme la Roumanie par exemple, grenier de l'Europe.


19h30 – ouverture des portes et accueil du public

20h00 – diffusion du film

21h30 – débat

22h00 – verrée

Infos pratiques

Lieu: salle communale des Délices, route de Colovrex 18

Entrée gratuite, apéro offert

16 JAN 2018
L’huile de palme durable est-elle possible ?

Responsable d’une déforestation massive, la production d’huile de palme s’accompagne souvent de conditions de travail inacceptables. En organisant un colloque à Paris le 16 janvier, la Confédération souhaite ouvrir une réflexion sur les moyens de stopper l’extension des surfaces dédiées à cette culture et promouvoir un changement de modèle.

Inscription obligatoire sur :

26 NOV 2017
Forum Citoyen Afrique-UE

Avec comme thème de discussion, la gouvernance de la terre en Afrique à l'épreuve du partenariat avec l'Europe

15 NOV 2017
Responsible large scale agricultural investment in the Mekong

This week a regional workshop, hosted by Mekong Region Land Governance, will explore the challenges of large-scale agricultural investments to suggest solutions supportive of sustainable and pro-poor development, as well as economic growth.

Mekong Regional Land Governance project

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Carbon land deals


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