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Ukraine and Saudi Arabia will hold a joint business forum in May
06 MAY 2021
Opening of the World Forum of Struggles for Land
Farmer organisations and associations for the defence of the commons come together to open a new space for global exchange COPROFAM, CONTAG, ConfPaysanne, CGLTE WA, ECVC, Ekta Parishad, ROPPA, LVC, Agter, CERAI, TANY
06 MAY 2021
Apertura del Foro Mundial de las Luchas por la Tierra
Organizaciones campesinas y asociaciones de defensa de los bienes comunes se unirán para abrir un nuevo espacio de intercambio global COPROFAM, CONTAG, ConfPaysanne, CGLTE WA, ECVC, Ekta Parishad, ROPPA, LVC, Agter, CERAI, TANY
06 MAY 2021
Ouverture du Forum mondial des luttes pour la terre
Organisations paysannes et associations d’échanges pour la défense des communs se réuniront pour ouvrir un nouvel espace d’échanges mondiaux COPROFAM, CONTAG, ConfPaysanne, CGLTE WA, ECVC, Ekta Parishad, ROPPA, LVC, Agter, CERAI, TANY
03 MAY 2021
Public forum on Harvard's land grabs
Learn from frontline land defenders, students, researchers, faculty and alumni and take action on Harvard's devastating land investments |
24 FEB 2021
Les ogres de la terre
23 OCT 2020
The price of palm
A Growing Culture, in partnership with The Oakland Institute
06 OCT 2020
Webinar: Food and land - the prey of financial vultures or human rights?
Discussion of how Swedes' pension savings through the AP funds affect indigenous peoples, quilombolas, small farmers and the environment in Brazil. FIAN Sweden
28 JAN 2020
Nogent sur Marne
Mieux prendre en compte le foncier pour renforcer la sécurité alimentaire en Tunisie
12 DEC 2019
EADI Webinar: This land is your land, this land is my land?
Sylvia Kay and Attila Szocs will discuss their research and activism on land grabbing, with a particular focus on Romania, and the implications for political struggles over land and territories. EADI
03 DEC 2019
Cape Town
Report launch: Elite capture in land redistribution in South Africa
Launch of report that shows agribusinesses and economically powerful individuals colluding with state officials to engage in corrupt practices to access public resources ahead of the rural poor. PLAAS
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Uganda: Palm oil plantation expansion
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Propietarios y arrendatarios, los dueños del agro
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Nigeria: Taraba State land grab: A recipe for disaster
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Vermont puts $35 million into agriculture fund