20 JUN 2022
Comment lutter contre l’accaparement des terres à grande échelle en Afrique ?

Accaparement de terres, perte de biodiversité, insécurité alimentaire, déplacements forcés, violences, homicides.. les représentant.e.s des communautés lésées par les filiales de l’entreprise belge SIAT au Ghana, en Côte d’Ivoire et au Nigéria revendiquent leurs droits d’accès à la terre et à pratiquer l’agriculture paysanne.
Venez les rencontrer ce lundi 20 juin à Namur !
20 juin 2022 18h30
22 Rue du Séminaire, 5000 Namur, Belgique

FIAN Belgium
15 JUN 2022
Global Donor Platform AGA 2022

The annual meeting of the Global donor platform will discuss "Responsible land-based investing as a strategy to mitigate the harms of a new food crisis"

15 June 2022 - 9:10-10:40 CET

Featured speakers include:
- Karol Boudreaux, Senior Land and Resource Governance Advisor, USAID, and Chair Global Donor Working Group on Land
- Gemma Betsema, Senior Programme Advisor, Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency, and Vice Chair, Global Donor Working Group on Land
- Chris Penrose Buckley, Senior Adviser, Land Policy, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK
- Stefania Lenoci, Head, Private Sector Advisory and Implementation Unit, IFAD
- Michael Taylor, Director, International Land Coalition Secretariat


Global Donor Platform
09 JUN 2022
Resisting pension fund capitalism

Join us June 9 2022 at 2pm GMT for this international webinar (English, French and Spanish). Hear from activists fighting for pension fund reform in Chile, the role of pension funds in driving land grabs in Brazil and Canadian public workers' take on their pension fund’s involvement in the privatisation of health care. Followed by an open forum. Please register now!

09 JUN 2022
en linea
Resistir al capitalismo de los fondos des pensiones

El actual sistema de inversión de los fondos de pensiones está privando de derechos a productores de alimentos, a trabajadores y a comunidades indígenas de todo el mundo. Acompáñanos este 9 de junio a resistir al capitalismo de los fondos de pensiones:

09 JUN 2022
en ligne
Résister au capitalisme des fonds de pension

Webinaire le 9 juin 2022 à 14h UTC : Rejoignez GRAIN, A Growing Culture et des invités du Chili, Brésil et Canada pour explorer les impacts des fonds de pension - y compris leur rôle dans l'accaparement des terres - et comment passer à un système plus juste et équitable. Inscrivez-vous !

30 MAY 2022
Moment of Truth: How a new EU law could protect people and the planet

EU representatives and activists from Brazil will discuss the draft EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

Global Wtiness
22 APR 2022
BIO as a sustainable development actor

National Development Banks and development finance are increasing their role in channelling Official Development Aid in the Global South. The report is the outcome of a year-long research on the Belgian Investment Company for Development Countries (BIO), its governance structure, its relationship with Belgian and non-Belgian stakeholders, its investments (in agri-food and energy transition) and the processes behind accountability. Join the authors and other experts in a conversation around National Development Banks, development finance and the critical aspects of financing for development.

The invited speakers for the seminar are:
- Margaret Wachenfeld (Institute for Human Rights and Business)
- Celine Tan (Warwick University)
- Daria Davitti (Lund University)
- Daniel Bradlow (University of Pretoria)
- Farwa Sial(EURODAD)
- Gamze Erdem Türkelli (University of Antwerp) // Chair

22 april 2022 // 10-12h CET // online

University of Antwerp
15 APR 2022
Paysan·nes en colère contre l'accaparement des terres

Journée des Luttes Paysannes

FIAN Belgium, SOS Faim et al.
07 APR 2022
En ligne
Luttes foncières : de la mobilisation de terrain aux victoires juridiques, quelles stratégies ?

Pour rejoindre le webinaire du 7 avril à 14h00 (UTC+2), lien Zoom à la suite :

04 APR 2022
Acampamento Terra Livre

We are at the 18th Edition of Free Land Camp (Acampamento Terra Livre ATL in Portuguese), after two years of virtual performance, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in which we lost many of our own. However, we continue with the forces of ancestry, getting back up to return to face-to-face actions with the theme: “Retaking Brazil: Demarcate the Territories and Indigenize the Politics”. This year, we will occupy the federal capital from April 4th to 14th.


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Carbon land deals

  • 07 Oct 2025 - Cape Town, South Africa
    Land, Life and Society: International conference on the road to ICARRD+20
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