The mirage of food security: Big farming in North Africa's deserts
11 OCT 2010
36th session of the FAO Committee on World Food Security
Official documents from the 36th session of the FAO Committee on World Food Security (Rome 11-16 October 2010) concerning their discussion of landgrabbing FAO
20 APR 2010
Cairo, Egypt
Large scale farming in Africa
“Large Scale Farming in Africa” is an international conference, which meets on 20-21 Apr 2010 in Cairo to explore upcoming investment opportunities in Africa’s agriculture sector, and discuss risk management and financing solutions. CMT
24 JAN 2010
Land Day event
Land Day will zero in on land and associated agro-industry related global challenges with a long-term rural development perspective. Platform and FAO/SDC/IFAD
30 JUL 2009
East Asia and Pacific Regional Agribusiness Trade and Investment Conference
The World Bank together with International Finance Corporation organized the first EAP Regional Agribusiness Trade and Investment Conference "Agroenterprise without Borders", in Singapore on July 30-31, 2009. World Bank together with International Finance Corporation
22 JUN 2009
New York City
Global AgInvesting 2009
Soyatech, LLC, in partnership with the Investment Management Institute (IMI) and HighQuest Partners, has announced the list of speakers for the upcoming Global AgInvesting 2009 Conference. Aimed at public and private market investors, this conference will explore opportunities for investments in agricultural lands, commodities and infrastructure. Global AgInvesting 2009 will take place June 22-23 at the Marriott Eastside Hotel in New York City. Soyatech, LLC, Investment Management Institute (IMI) and HighQuest Partners
16 MAY 2009
Geneva, Switzerland
The Global Land Grab: A Human Rights Approach
The Global Land Grab: A Human Rights Approach seminar will analyze the global land grab through a human rights lens, assessing the trade and investment agreements that are enabling the trend, as well as its likely effects on small farmers, indigenous peoples and food sovereignty. 3D and the Project on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Los grupos de interés que ocupan la Panamazonía | LIBRO