08 MAR 2012
Fair access to land and food: How to stop global land grabbing

International capital, multinational enterprises, and even some governments are increasingly taking control over farmland around the world. Large amount of highly productive land is taken away from farmers, mainly in developing countries but also within the EU and Central and Eastern Europe. The conference wishes to highlight the problem of land grabbing in the global food crisis and the human right to food, present existing alternative land management models and encourage decision makers to implement new instruments for sustainable land ownership models.Please register online before 5 March 2012.

The Greens/EFA
26 FEB 2012
Accaparements de terres. Enjeux et perspectives. Quelles résistances des populations ?

Salon anticolonial, La Bellevilloise, 26 février 2012, 11h-13h
Débat organisé, présenté et modéré par l’AFASPA (Association française d’amitié et de solidarité avec les peuples d’Afrique)
Au Forum Social Mondial 2011 de Dakar, l’accaparement massif des terres agricoles a été pointé comme une nouvelle forme de colonialisme qui hypothèque à terme la souveraineté alimentaire des populations et les dépossède de leur bien souvent le plus précieux, la terre.
Les intervenants présenteront des cas spécifiques d’accaparement de terres puis des formes diverses et variées de résistance des populations et des sociétés civiles organisées et de mobilisation des réseaux et éventuellement, des expériences de constructions d’alternatives soit de réformes agraires soit d’infléchissements - dans un sens de justice, d’équité et de solidarité - des politiques foncières en vigueur, etc...

24 FEB 2012
Freetown, Sierra Leone
BBC Africa debate: Is land grabbing actually good for Africa?

Debate on the issue of international farmland deals in Africa - or land grabbing as it’s commonly known. The debate takes place in Freetown Sierra Leone on Friday 24th February 2012 and is broadcasted at 1900 GMT. Join in the debate via social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc).

02 FEB 2012
Bangkok, Thailand
Land grabbing and evictions: Why we must oppose the World Bank's principles on "responsible agricultural investment"

Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand, 9:30 am, Thursday, 2 February 2012
Leaders and Organizers of Community Organizations in Asia (LOCOA), an Asian regional network of urban poor slum dwellers and organizations that work to support them, together with People's Movement for a Just Society (P-Move), a Thai umbrella formation linking together organizations of the urban and rural poor who are adversely affected by Thai development policies, including Four Regions Slum Network, the Network of Communities for Social and Political Reform, the Northern Peasants Federation, the Assembly of the Poor-Pak Mun, and the Northeastern Land Reform Network, will hold a press conference at the FCCT to express its position on land grabbing and evictions, and explain its opposition to the World Bank's principles of "responsible agricultural investment." Directly after the press conference, LOCOA and P-Move will hold a public demonstration and attempt to submit a petition regarding the principles of "responsible agricultural investment" at the World Bank's Bangkok office.

17 NOV 2011
International Peasant Conference : Stop the land grab

The farmers of the National Coordination of Farming Organizations (CNOP) in Mali and the international farmers’ movement Via Campesina hereby invite the press to cover the first international farmers’ conference whose objective is to strengthen the fight against the land grabs which are rife in Africa and other parts of the world.

04 OCT 2011
Kiel, Germany
Global Economic Symposium

The Global Economic Symposium, to be held 4-6 October in Kiel, Germany, will have a special session on land grabbing called "Dealing with the Race for Agricultural Land"

Aslihan Arslan, Mareike Lange, Setareh Khalilian
02 MAY 2011
New York, NY
Global AgInvesting 2011

Global AgInvesting 2011 will bring together leading global ag-sector end-investors, ag-managers, academics, policy experts and agribusiness industry executives to explore the opportunities and challenges of investing in agriculture.

18 APR 2011
Washington, DC
World Bank conference on Land and Poverty 2011

Panel: Can Funds and Financial Institutions promote good land-based investment practice?

06 APR 2011
International conference on global land grabbing

The focus of the conference was on the politics of global land grabbing and agrarian change. The papers and panels address some of the most urgent and strategic questions around global land grab.

Land Deals Politics Initiative
09 NOV 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Global AgInvesting Europe 2010

HighQuest Partners LLC is pleased to announce that it will expand its sucessful Global AgInvesting conference series, the leading conference worldwide focused on the agriculture asset class. Global AgInvesting Europe 2010 will be held on November 9-10, 2010 at the Intercontinental Geneva Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland.

HighQuest Partners LLC

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  • 07 Oct 2025 - Cape Town, South Africa
    Land, Life and Society: International conference on the road to ICARRD+20
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