19 NOV 2012
Africa Food Security Conference

1st Annual Africa Food Security Conference - AFSC 2012 is a regionally focused forum that aims to bring the interrelated parties together for discussions that will refocus food security issues in Africa in alignment with the continent’s requirement. The forum aims to generate discussions on how consistent and accurate investment in agriculture, rural development, development aid, research and innovation can be increased because for most countries in Africa a healthy agricultural sector is essential to overcome hunger and poverty and is a pre-requisite for overall economic growth. Food security solutions in Africa should become visionary, long-term and sustainable.

14 NOV 2012
London, UK
Discussion forum – challenges and opportunities for responsible investors in agribusiness

Oxfam UK, in association with the EIRIS Foundation, is organising an informal discussion forum for investors on responsible investment in agribusiness. The session, titled ‘Land, Food and Agriculture: challenges and opportunities for responsible investors in agribusiness’, includes a working lunch. If you are an investor, do you know if you are exposed to risks relating to agricultural land – either in equities, real assets or funds of funds? Are you considering increasing your asset allocations in emerging markets and agriculture? This discussion forum offers a relaxed environment for investor analysts to freely discuss with a handful of NGOs that are leading on this issue, what a responsible investment approach to their investments in land might look like. Session topics include: essentials – overview of land issues in agriculture investment, their importance for sustainable development, and relevance to the responsible investment community exploration of the principles and standards – what works for communities and investors? what are the key risk factors and indicators? How can responsible investors identify and mitigate these when considering investments linked to agricultural land? investor action at the company or fund level – how could investors apply the principles and standards? investor action at the country level – could investors encourage better land governance at the country level? If you are an asset manager or asset owner and interested in attending this free event, please email [email protected] to express interest and to request more information.

21 OCT 2012
Blois, France
De l’expropriation à l’accaparement des terres – l’ histoire des famines…

Carte blanche à l’Association Intelligence Verte de Philippe Desbrosses, organisateur des Entretiens de Sologne
Dimanche 21 octobre 2012 de 11 h 30 à 13 h 00 : De l’expropriation à l’accaparement des terres – l’ histoire des famines…
Edgar MORIN, philosophe et sociologue ; Alfredo PENA VEGA, sociologue ; Cristovam BUARQUE, (sous réserve) Sénateur de la République du Brésil, ancien ministre de l’Éducation du gouvernement du Président Lula ; et Maria-Fernanda SPINOSA(sous réserve) Linguiste, géographe et anthropologue.
15ème Rendez-Vous de l'Histoire, Blois, 18-21 octobre 2012.

20 OCT 2012
Saint-Denis (Paris)
FormAction sur les accaparements de terres

Terre des Hommes France vous invite à une journée de FormAction sur les accaparements de terres ! Le samedi 20 octobre 2012, de 9h à 17h à la Bourse du Travail de Saint-Denis - 11 rue Génin - salle Louise Michelle

Terre des Hommes France
17 OCT 2012
Ithaca, New York
Global land grabbing II

The second international academic workshop on ‘Global Land Grabbing’ will be held on 17-19 October 2012 at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA. This event is presented by the Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI) and the Cornell Department of Development Sociology. Among the confirmed keynote speakers is the new Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Brazilian academic, José Graziano da Silva.

16 OCT 2012
Agriculture Investment Summit Asia

Agriculture Investment Summit 2012 is an event for investors and agriculture companies to learn about partnership & investment opportunities in agricultural commodities, companies and farmland in Asian regions.

15 OCT 2012
France, Europe & Afrique de l'Ouest
Festival de films documentaires ALIMENTERRE

Le Festival de films est l’événement central de la campagne ALIMENTERRE. Du 15 octobre au 30 novembre, en France, en Europe et en Afrique de l'ouest, il invite à des débats avec des spécialistes d'Europe ou d'Afrique sur les enjeux agricoles et alimentaires Nord-Sud, à partir d’une sélection de films documentaires.

Découvrez la sélection de films de l'édition 2012, dont "Planète à vendre" sur l'accaparement de terres.

11 OCT 2012
2nd Commercial Farm Asia

11-12 Oct 2012 - PARKROYAL - Yangon - Burma

09 OCT 2012
Canberra, Australia
"Scramble for Natural Resources: More Food, Less Land?

Will discuss issues around ownership of our natural resources and farming land and what it means for food security.

The Crawford Fund
09 OCT 2012
Inside Investor Asia

Special session on "Securing agricultural products across the GCC and the role that can be played by the ASEAN countries."


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    Land, Life and Society: International conference on the road to ICARRD+20
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