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Ukraine and Saudi Arabia will hold a joint business forum in May
06 FEB 2013
The global theft of land: Human rights, dispossession, and destruction
Date and time: Wednesday 6 February 2013, 6.30-8pm LSE
05 FEB 2013
Landowners or laborers? A panel on the rural development choices facing leaders of developing countries
The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) is co-hosting with Forest Peoples Programme (FPP), a panel discussion and the launch of its annual review of the current status of forest and land rights in developing countries. In 2012, a key choice facing developing countries was revealed ever more starkly. Would they choose a development path built on inclusiveness and respect for the rights of their citizens, or would they opt instead for extractive exploitation of their people's land and natural resources? The report identifies this and other key choices and challenges that emerged in 2012 for forest rights and tenure globally, faced now by leaders of developing countries in 2013 and beyond. Panelists include: RRI
05 FEB 2013
New Delhi
Indian agriculture investments in Ethiopia: A boon or a bane?
Day-long conference on the “Impacts of Indian agricultural investments in Ethiopia” with representatives from impacted communities along with Oakland Institute researchers and Indian civil society. Preceded by a press conference. INSAF, Oakland Institute, Kalpavriksh
22 JAN 2013
Acaparamiento de tierras: África expoliada
El Departamento de Campañas y Redes de Manos Unidas ha organizado una mesa redonda sobre el acaparamiento de tierras en Africa. Un fenómeno por el que países ricos y empresas agrícolas multinacionales adquieren tierras fértiles y agua en países pobres para producir para el mercado internacional de alimentos, biocombustibles, créditos de carbono, especulación con los alimentos, etc. Manos Unidas
17 JAN 2013
Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2013
The theme of GFFA 2013, organised by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV), the Senate of Berlin and the Messe Berlin GmbH, is "Responsible investment in the food and agriculture sectors – Key factor for food security and rural development". Land grabbing is very much on the programme. BMELV
17 JAN 2013
Farmers' land in farmers' hand: A debate about landgrabbing in Romania
The panel will consist of the following speakers: Good Food Good Farming campaign
14 JAN 2013
Gender and Land Governance Conference
The conference is scheduled to take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from January 14-15, 2013. Details at landgovernance.org. Utrecht Univ & LANDac
04 DEC 2012
South Africa
The great land rush
75% of Mali's population are farmers, but rich, land-hungry nations like China and Saudi Arabia are leasing Mali's land in order to turn large areas into agribusiness farms. Many Malian peasants do not welcome these efforts, seeing them as yet another manifestation of imperialism. As Mali experiences a military coup, the developers are scared off - but can Mali's farmers combat food shortages and escape poverty on their own terms? Watch the trailer on Youtube: http://youtu.be/Szx0cvJBemk WhyPoverty
03 DEC 2012
Global AgInvesting Europe 2012
GAI Europe 2012 (London, 3-5 Dec) will build off of the recent success of our flagship event, in New York, which in April 2012 attracted over 700 attendees who represented over: HighQuest & SoyaTech
27 NOV 2012
SusCon: Investment in land and other scarce resources
"The German Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation has formulated six principles that investments in land should adhere to with the goal for them to be structured in such a way as to promise sustained benefits for the development of the populations affected. 75% of the poor are living in rural areas and are relying on agriculture for their survival. At the same time many countries with poor smallholder agriculture systems have areas of suitable agriculture land and/or land which produce below its potential. Investments could result in an increased production of food and a transfer of know-how of sustainable and more productive agriculture systems. GIZ/BMZ
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Uganda: Palm oil plantation expansion
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Propietarios y arrendatarios, los dueños del agro
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Nigeria: Taraba State land grab: A recipe for disaster
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Vermont puts $35 million into agriculture fund