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Sosucam : en colère, les employés détruisent 150 hectares de plantations de canne à sucre
10 APR 2013
Land Grabbing in Afrika
Meist werden für Land Grabbing Investoren aus China, Indien und den Golfstaaten kritisiert. Zu Recht, aber sie sollten nicht von der bedeutenden Mitverantwortung der europäischen Fonds- und Bankmanager ablenken. FIAN
08 APR 2013
Washington DC
Annual World Bank conference on land & poverty
The theme is "Moving towards transparent land governance: Evidence-based next steps". See the agenda here: https://www.conftool.com/landandpoverty2013/sessions.php World Bank
08 APR 2013
Table ronde sur l'accaparement des terres
À l’occasion de la parution de Main basse sur la terre, les éditions Rue de l’échiquier, Écocampus et le Comptoir Général vous convient à une table ronde sur l’accaparement des terres en présence de : Éd. Rue de l'Échiquier
26 MAR 2013
World Social Forum 2013
There will be many self-organised workshops and strategy meetings on landgrabbing at WSF 2013 WSF
26 MAR 2013
Planète à vendre
Film d'Alexis Marant sur l'accaparement des terres, à 20h50 sur ARTE. ARTE
26 MAR 2013
London, UK
Conservation and Land Grabbing: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
Researchers will meet at London Zoo to join the dots between large land deals, conservation, land rights and efforts to tackle poverty in poor communities worldwide. International Institute for Environment and Development, International Land Coalition, Maliasili Initiatives and Zoological Society of London
19 MAR 2013
3rd Commercial Farm Africa Summit
Focuses on investment opportunities in various parts of Africa such as Zambia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania, Liberia, Mozambique and Cote D'Ivoire. CMT
25 FEB 2013
Abu Dhabi
Global AgInvesting Middle East
Global AgInvesting Middle East (February 25-27, 2013) offers a comprehensive overview of agriculture investment opportunities, risks, and return profiles across all major global production regions, as well as strategies for diversified ag portfolios including regional variation, private equity, liquid investments, water, and protein plays. Produced by HighQuest Partners, GAI Middle East will highlight strategies for ensuring food security, including outsourcing and technological advances. Panel discussions will provide attendees with a picture of the agriculture investing landscape and a clear idea of where the real money is moving in the space. GAI Middle East is produced in conjunction with the Food Security Center of Abu Dhabi. HighQuest Partners
22 FEB 2013
Semaine Anticoloniale 2013
Débat sur la question de l'accaparement des terres africaines IREA
14 FEB 2013
Global land grabs on Valentine’s Day at IATP
We’ll be discussing global land grabs and food sovereignty. A New York Times commentary on February 5, 2013, The Global Farm Land Rush, details the astounding scale of land grabs around the world, leading to the displacement farmers and peasants. At stake is the issue of who will own and control the world's natural resources. Speaker information: Alexandra Spieldoch is an independent consultant on gender, food security and sustainable development issues. She has worked with international NGOs, farmers' associations and foundations globally for many years. Alexandra is a contributor to a new book on land grabs from Island Press, The Global Farms Race: Land Grabs, Agricultural Investment, and the Scramble for Food Security. Redwan Hamaza is chair of the Oromia Human Rights and Justice Council in Minneapolis, and an advocate for the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms of the Oromos and other peoples in Ethiopia. Redwan will talk about land grab policies of the current Ethiopian regime and its impact on the indigenous life. IATP President Jim Harkness will host and share his insights to land grabs in China. IATP
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Nigeria: Taraba State land grab: A recipe for disaster
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Vermont puts $35 million into agriculture fund
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Private firms may help revive MP’s degraded forests