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Ukraine and Saudi Arabia will hold a joint business forum in May
15 AUG 2013
Pan African Land Hearing
AAid, Oxfam, PLAAS, Future Ags
25 JUN 2013
Land issues in Europe: From land grabbing to land reform
15 JUN 2013
Les accaparements de terres : une menace pour l'humanité
Frères des Hommes membre du « Collectif citoyen en France contre les accaparements de terres » vous invite à une après-midi militante sur l’accaparement des terres le samedi 15 juin de 14h à 18h aux portes de Paris, dans les locaux de France Volontaires à Ivry-Sur-Seine. FDH
31 MAY 2013
Legal and development implications of international land acquisitions
The purpose of this conference is to look at large-scale international land acquisitions from a ‘law and development’ perspective and determine the various legal frameworks at international, national and local level that enable or constrain such processes. Kyoto University
29 APR 2013
New York City
Global AgInvesting 2013
Global AgInvesting is the world's most well attended agriculture investment event. Global AgInvesting 2013 offers a comprehensive overview of agriculture investment opportunities, risks and return profiles across all major global production regions, as well as strategies for diversified ag portfolios including regional variation, private equity, and liquid investments. Concurrent track sessions will highlight the surrounding themes of ag venture capital, biotechnology, water opportunities, and infrastructure. Global AgInvesting 2013 is produced by global agribusiness consultancy, HighQuest Partners, and will provide attendees with a picture of the agriculture investing landscape and a clear idea of where the real money is moving in the space. HighQuest Partners
29 APR 2013
Land grabbing: insights from Romania
Public talk by Attila Scozs and Dan Cismas (EcoRuralis, Romania) TNI
22 APR 2013
Various European cities
EU-wide speakers’ tour on landgrabbing in Romania
ARC2020 is organising a 10 day EU-wide Speakers’ Tour on Landgrabbing in Romania. The tour will see two speakers from Romania travel to European capitals and cities between April 21 – 30th to highlight, debate and raise public awareness on the social, environmental and economic impact of large scale land acquisition by both, foreign and national companies. ARC2020
19 APR 2013
Les accaparements de terres à Madagascar et les luttes actuelles
Le Collectif TANY vous invite à une projection de larges extraits du film « Je veux ma part de Terre - Madagascar » avec l’aimable autorisation des auteurs Frédéric Lambolez et Jean-Marie Pernelle, suivie d’un débat sur « Les accaparements de terres à Madagascar et les luttes actuelles » Collectif TANY
17 APR 2013
International Day of Peasants’ Struggles
Resist the commercialisation of nature - Stop land grabbing! The international peasants’ movement La Via Campesina has been defending and expanding the practice and policies of food sovereignty around the world for 20 years. To launch another 20 years of struggle, we are calling for a massive mobilisation day on 17 April, the International Day of Peasants’ Struggles, to reclaim our food system which is being increasingly occupied by transnational capital. We invite everyone to organise activities, protests, art exhibitions, direct actions, discussions, film screenings, farmers markets etc., in your village, school, office, neighbourhood, organisation, community...Wherever you are, join this collective celebration on 17 April! Via Campesina
17 APR 2013
Tierra, concentración y extranjerización
Ronda de conversación abierta en base a los datos del Censo Agropecuario en el Día Internacional de las Luchas Campesinas ADUR Agronomía
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Uganda: Palm oil plantation expansion
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Propietarios y arrendatarios, los dueños del agro
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Nigeria: Taraba State land grab: A recipe for disaster
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Vermont puts $35 million into agriculture fund