17 SEP 2015
Colloquium on current issues of agricultural law in a global perspective

Call for Papers

Deadline for abstract: 3rd April 2015
Deadline for draft paper: 3rd July 2015

The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and the Institute of Law, Politics and Sustainability are pleased to announce the First Edition of the International Colloquium on Current Issues in Agricultural Law in a Global Perspective. The Colloquium is intended to be an opportunity for Post Docs and Ph.D Candidates to present and discuss their research results and methodological approaches in a supportive environment. The topic of the colloquium is inspired by the wish to share on-going analysis, questions and exploration fields in agricultural law from a global perspective. The aim is to build a community of early career researchers interested in agricultural law and its intersections with other legal areas.

Dirpolis Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
03 SEP 2015
Putrajaya, Malaysia
From graft to grab

Panel on the role of corruption and impunity in large-scale land investments

International Anti-Corruption Conference
02 JUL 2015
TerraProject Exhibition "Land Inc."

Land Inc. is a documentation across Brazil, Dubai, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Madagascar the Philippines and Ukraine to document what some define as a form of neocolonialism, and others as a chance for development: land grabbing and the growing investments in industrial farming and plantations.

Terra Project/Cortona on The Move
11 JUN 2015
Agri Investor Australia Forum 2015

Forum brings together institutional investors, family offices, fund and asset managers, regulators and advisors for a discussion of agriculture as an investment option – in Australia and beyond.

Agri Investor
05 JUN 2015
Chiang Mai
Land grabbing: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia

An international academic conference, 5-6 June 2015, Chiang Mai University

Land grabbing, conflict and agrarian-environmental transformations: perspectives from East and Southeast Asia

Globally, powerful transnational actors are tapping into lands outside their own borders to provide sufficient food and energy security at home. The original North-South dynamic to this 'global land grab' is developing into a North-South-South dynamic with economically powerful non-Northern countries now getting involved.

This phrase - 'global land grab' - has become a catch-all to describe and analyse this explosion in transnational commercial land transactions. The reaction to this trend by state, corporate and civil society groups has been varied, moving between the extremes of seeing it as a major threat to the lives and livelihoods of rural people, to seeing it as an economic opportunity for the rural poor worldwide.

LDPI aims to provide in-depth and systematic enquiry into the global land grab in order to have deeper, meaningful and productive debates around causes and implications.

Conference papers are available online. For more informsation contact: [email protected]

27 MAY 2015
Et maintenant nos terres: Première projection

La séance aura lieu Mercredi 27 mai 2015 à 19h45, au Comptoir Général à Paris (80 Quai de Jemmapes, 75010 Paris). Elle sera suivie d'une discussion libre et informelle autour d'un verre, au même endroit.

Confirmez-nous, s'il vous plait, votre présence par mail à : [email protected]

Benjamin Polle et Julien Le Net
18 MAY 2015
en ligne
Accaparements de terres: de l'analyse à l'action

Les associations AGTER, Modus Operandi et The Network University ouvrent leur nouveau cours en ligne "Accaparements de terres: de l'analyse à l'action" du 18 mai au 12 juin 2015. Inscriptions jusqu'au 4 mai 2015.

AGTER, Modus Operandi et The Network University
07 MAY 2015
Why land still matters: An online panel discussion

Three years of the Voluntary Guidelines - Where we are and where we are going

18 APR 2015
#NoLandNoLife regional confab on land reform

Asian Peasant Coalition (APC), in cooperation with PAN Asia Pacific (PANAP) and other organizations, will hold a two-day conference on land reform from 18-19 April in Jakarta,Indonesia. The conference is being held in the context of massive landlessness, land-grabbing, land-use conversions and plunders of natural resources.

APC, PAN AP etc.
25 MAR 2015
FSM 2015: Espace de convergence des luttes pour la terre et l'eau

Nous, les mouvements sociaux et leurs alliés, nous nous sommes réuni(e)s dans le cadre du Forum Social Africain en octobre 2014 à Dakar, avec l’objectif d’unir toutes les luttes pour l’eau et la terre, et contre la criminalisation des militant(e)s engagé(e)s dans ceux-ci. Nous avons élaboré une déclaration, intitulée « Droits à l'eau, à la terre, une lutte commune ».

Cette déclaration a été rédigée dans l’esprit de la solidarité et de rassemblement et vise à être le point de départ pour le développement d’une Convergence globale des luttes pour l’eau et la terre. Nous, les organisations qui promouvons cette Déclaration, vous invitons à se joindre à notre espace de convergence au Forum Mondial Social à Tunis.

Nous organisons des sessions commmunes pendant la matinée du 25, 26 et 27 de mars ainsi qu’une assemblée de la convergence le 28 mars afin d’échanger des expériences de luttes pour l’eau et la terre aux niveaux national et international, et afin de construire ensemble l’avenir de cette Convergence globale.

Il y aura aussi une série d’ateliers au cours de ces jours qui concernent, eux aussi, des luttes pour l’eau et la terre et qui veulent s’associer à notre espace de convergence.

COORDINATEURS: La Via Campesina, Forum Mondial des Populations des Pêcheurs, Convergence Malienne contre l’Accaparement des Terres, GRAIN, COSPE, Comitato Italiano Contratto Mondiale sull'acqua, Transnational Institute, Habitat International Coalition, Terra Nuova, Les Amis de la Terre International, FIAN International


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