En Afrique, un risque d’accaparement des terres derrière la course aux crédits-carbone
14 JUN 2016
Agrimoney Investment Forum
For investors and agribusiness companies looking to raise capital, deploy funding and generate returns within the agrisector. Agrimoney
26 APR 2016
Projection du film Land Grabbing
Les terres arables mondiales sont en danger. La demande de terrain exploitable croît de façon exponentielle, les investisseurs cherchant des champs pour cultiver des denrées à exporter et, au lieu de cultiver la nourriture pour la région, les terres agricoles sont utilisées pour la production à grande échelle destinés aux marchés occidentaux. En conséquence, de vastes étendues de terres agricoles en Asie, en Afrique et même en Europe tombent entre les mains des investisseurs internationaux. Le film Land Grabbing explore de l'intérieur le monde des investisseurs agroalimentaires mondiaux, ainsi que le rôle des politiques européennes dans ce domaine. Land Grabbing présente des témoignages partout dans le monde au sujet de cette pratique commerciale et le pouvoir de l'argent, qui l'emporte sur les besoins des communautés locales. La projection du film documentaire sera suivie d'une discussion avec des experts et défenseurs en première ligne des droits de l'homme: - Gaelle Dusepulchre, Fidh - Tatiana Villacieros, Protection International - Tonico Benites, Guarani-Kaiowá (Brasil), Front Line Defenders - Modératrice: Paige Morrow, Frank Bold Réservation obligatoire:http:/http://www.oneworld.cz/2016/brussel-registration/12 La projection et débat aura lieu dans le cadre du One World Film Festival. Où: Representation Permanente République Tchèque. Rue Caroly 15 1050 Ixelles Mardi 26 avril 2016 de 19:00 à 21:30 One World Film Festival
31 MAR 2016
World Forum on Access to Land
A Global Forum to discuss unequal access to land and natural resources and their effects and react against the eviction of peasants, family fishermen and forest communities in the world. AGTER and CERAI
30 MAR 2016
Projection-débat en soutien à BASTAMAG
Les multinationales contre l'information ? Soirée de soutien à Bastamag, poursuivi par Bolloré Projection - débat "Le Prix des Mots" (2012, 1h17), en présence d'Alain Deneault et Benoît Collombat MERCREDI 30 MARS, 20h, prix libre Mundo-M 47 avenue Pasteur, 93100 Montreuil, Métro "mairie de Montreuil" (ligne 9)
Le journal indépendant Bastamag est poursuivi pour un article de 2012 sur l'accaparement des terres, par le groupe Bolloré, qui multiplie depuis 2009 les plaintes et intimidations judiciaires : le tribunal rendra sa décision le 7 avril. Cette nouvelle bataille pour la liberté d’expression et la démocratie, face au pouvoir des multinationales et aux tentatives d’instrumentalisation de la justice, est l'occasion de parler des "poursuites-bâillon", destinées à faire taire les journalistes ou militants trop curieux. La projection du documentaire "Le Prix des Mots" (voir la bande annonce ici), qui nous plonge au coeur de la bataille des auteurs de "Noir Canada", poursuivis en justice par une multinationale minière, sera suivie d'un débat avec Alain Deneault (co-auteur de Noir Canada) et Benoît Collombat (journaliste d'investigation poursuivi par Bolloré à plusieurs reprises pour ses reportages et témoignages sur les filiales et participations du groupe au Cameroun). Une soirée animée par l'association Survie, avec le soutien de l'AFASPA, ATTAC France, Confédération Paysanne, GRAIN, Oakland Institute, Peuples Solidaires-ActionAid France, ReAct, Sherpa, et dont les recettes seront reversées à Bastamag pour faire face aux frais de la procédure judiciaire. Informations : [email protected] - 01 44 61 03 25 Survie
29 MAR 2016
29 March Day of the Landless
29 March is #DayofTheLandless. Rural communities fight back against land grabber. Share their stories, use the hashtags #DayOfTheLandless and #NoLandNoLife. Visit http://panap.net.nolandnolife for more information. PAN Asia Pacific | Asian Peasant Coalition
29 FEB 2016
GAI Middle East
the preeminent gathering of agriculture investment stakeholders in the GCC Global AgInvesting
24 FEB 2016
Action contre SOCFIN : Non à l'impunité d'accaparement de terres
Action contre SOCFIN : Non à l'impunité d'accaparement de terres mercredi 24 février 2016 12h15 Rue du champs de mars 2 - 1050 Bruxelles (Porte de Namur). FIAN, CNCD, SOS Faim, etc
10 FEB 2016
New Delhi
India-Africa Agribusiness Forum
2 day international business forum will have sector experts and business leaders from across Africa and India. FICCI
04 FEB 2016
LANDforum 2016
The annual Land Forum creates and consolidates a think tank of private sector representatives, policy makers, practitioners and researchers who together search for new ways to optimize the link between land investments, food security and inclusive and sustainable development. We bring together international stakeholders to explore the potential and constraints of the private sector to contribute to inclusive and sustainable development, focusing on land governance issues. This forum focuses on a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America that are currently targeted by investors, or where foreign investment plays an important role in expanding the frontier of land investments: Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Uganda. By creating and consolidating a network, this forum plays an important role in establishing new corridors for exchanging information (between countries, both in the areas of origin and of destination) and making investments more effective for food security, and inclusive and sustainable development. These discussions will be linked also to discussions about Corporate Social Responsibility, the development of new guidelines and principles regarding investments in land and land governance and a new post-2015 development framework. LANDac
04 FEB 2016
The Hague
Global governance, politics, climate justice & agrarian/social justice: Linkages and challenges
The convergence of multiple crises: food, energy, environmental, climate change and finance – as well as the relationship of these with the rise of important global political economic players: BRICS countries and middle income countries (MICs) has, separately and combined, have triggered profound agrarian and environmental transformations in the Global South and North. There is a global rush to control natural resources: land, water, forest in order to produce food, fuel, energy; for climate change mitigation and adaptation purposes; or simply, for money to make more money in the increasing financialization of agriculture, nature, food system and farmland. Commodities are reinvented. The rise of flex crops – crops that have multiple and flexible uses that straddle not only a single value chain, but interlocking value chains; indeed, value web. Old issues requiring conventional international governance interventions have persisted. Land restitution remains a key demand for displaced people. New issues requiring different types of governance instruments and principles have emerged. How does one govern not just a ‘value chain’ – but a more complex and fluid ‘value web’? The character of nation-states and popular claim-making from below by ordinary villagers and grassroots organizations have been transformed, at least partially. Global governance has been interpreted in various ways, competing on most occasions. Same set of international governance principles, e.g. ‘free, prior and informed consent’ (FPIC) can be invoked by fundamentally competing interests: by corporate interest or by poor villagers and their allies. All sectors and actor talk about ‘regulation’ and ‘transparency – but they interpret these in competing and even contradictory ways. Key state/non-state actors try to shape others, and/but in turn are themselves shaped in the process of these multi-actor/multi-level encounters. How do we make sense of all these? What can the academics say that are useful to practitioners and activists – and vice versa? Yet, we are keen not just in canvassing what everyone else is saying about this complex converging issues and policy and political questions. Our interest lies mainly in the intersection of social justice and global governance – in the era of climate change and continuing global land rush. That is, if one’s starting point is to seek social justice – partisan, partial and biased in favour of the marginalized social classes and groups in various societies of the world – amidst the changing patterns of social relations partly brought about by the changes in the international political economic and ecological terrain, then where does global governance stand? What/which global governance principles, institutions, actors and instruments can be mobilized to seek, defend, strengthen or extend social justice – and how? What are the contentious debates, and why does it matter for academics, practitioners and activists to take these seriously? ISS, Transnational Institute (TNI), Foodfirst Information & Action Network (FIAN), ICCO, Ecofair project, Hands on the Land Project, ICAS, LDPI, BICAS, Journal of Peasant Studies
Gli alberi della discordia
The AfCFTA and land in Africa: towards a surge in land grabbing?