• Mozambican farmer questions Japan-led support project
    • Nippon
    • 04 August 2020

    A farmer in Mozambique pointed to issues related to a Japan-led project to support agriculture in the southern African country that ended last month.

  • Victory for peasant and civic movements! ProSAVANA officially ended
    • Mokai and JVC
    • 24 July 2020

    Sayaka Funada-Classen reports that the Japanese and Mozambican governments have announced the termination of ProSAVANA, a huge victory for Mozambican peasant movements and tri-national peoples solidarity

  • Governo de Moçambique e Parceiros Acordam o Término do ProSAVANA
    • Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural
    • 20 July 2020

    O Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural torna público que os parceiros envolvidos com o Governo no Programa ProSAVANA acordaram o seu término com a conclusão do “Projecto para o Estabelecimento de Modelo de Desenvolvimento ao Nível das Comunidades com Melhoria do Serviço de Extensão Rural no Desenvolvimento Agrícola do Corredor de Nacala em Moçambique”

  • 【議事録】国会議員主催「プロサバンナ事業」勉強会(Meeting minutes of debate btw Japanese parliamentarians/NGOs & JICA/MoFA on ProSAVANA)
    • Mokai
    • 06 February 2020


  • The rise and fall of ProSavana
    • Observador Rural
    • 10 January 2020

    This paper explores the history of one of the world’s largest land grabbing deals signed by Japan, Brazil and Mozambique in 2009 through official documents and recordings, especially of the Japanese actors involved.

  • 【記事翻訳】The Economist誌でのプロサバンナ特集
    • 30 November 2019

    The Economist誌でプロサバンナ特集がありました。 以下のリンクから原文をご覧いただけます。

  • Productive agricultural investments versus “land grabs”
    • The Nation
    • 21 November 2019

    Several agribusiness initiatives have stalled due to a combination of administrative logjams and a hostile political environment that increasingly questions the real motives behind the sudden interest by foreigners in African agriculture.

  • Stony ground
    • Economist
    • 16 November 2019

    Brazil and Japan plotted a farming revolution in Mozambique. But instead of sowing soya, they planted seeds of opposition.

  • 日本のODAに現地から「NO!」
    • TBS News
    • 10 September 2019


  • Is nationalisation and state custodianship of land a solution? The case of Mozambique
    • Amandla!
    • 26 August 2019

    The attainment of democratic rights – including the right to access, control and defend land – must be defended and advanced through everyday struggles; laws and policies on their own won’t make significant change

  • Plano Director do programa Prosavana
    • 21 January 2019

    A UNAC vem através do presente manifestar o seu distanciamento em relação ao conteúdo do comunicado de imprensa emitido pelas Plataformas da Sociedade Civil das províncias de Nampula, Zambézia e Niassa em relação a elaboração do Plano Director do programa Prosavana.

  • UNAC press release on the Prosavana programme
    • UNAC
    • 21 January 2019

    Mozambique's national peasant organisation UNAC dissociates itself from a press release issued by the Civil Society Platforms of the provinces of Nampula, Zambezia and Niassa, in relation to the Master Plan of the Prosavana programme.

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