En su primer caso abordando a un gran comercializador de aceite de palma, el Punto Nacional de Contacto de las Directrices para Empresas Multinacionales de la OCDE ha ofrecido sus buenos oficios en el caso presentado por Lideres y Lideresas Indígenas peruanos contra Louis Dreyfus Company B.V.
- Forest Peoples Programme
04 September 2023
In its first case to address a major palm oil commodity trader, the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises offered its good offices in the complaint filed by Peruvian Indigenous Leaders against Louis Dreyfus Company B.V.
- Forest Peoples Programme
04 September 2023
Peruvian and international organisations filed a complaint to the OECD against Louis Dreyfus for its sourcing of palm oil from the Ucayali region in the Peruvian Amazon.
- Forest Peoples Programme
07 December 2022
The World Bank’s private sector arm approved a US$200M loan to agribusiness giant Louis Dreyfus Company under the guise of “sustainable development.
A major loan was approved this week for an industrial food producer operating in Brazil, despite concerns that the money would ultimately fund activities that contribute to deforestation.
Comunidade tradicional do oeste baiano relata intimidações e ameaças relacionadas à ‘grilagem verde’ do seu território; investigação da Repórter Brasil revela conexões entre a Agrícola Xingu, uma das envolvidas na disputa, com fornecedores globais do grão
- Repórter Brasil
20 June 2022
Pumping public dollars into the destructive industrial meat sector is neither climate-resilient nor climate-smart, say Kari Hamerschlag and Peter Stevenson. It's also fuelling land grabbing.
Des recherches menées par l'ONG Public Eye révèlent que des sociétés de négoce contrôlent plus de 550 plantations couvrant quelque 2,7 millions d'hectares depuis leurs bureaux à Genève et Zoug.
- swissinfo
02 December 2021
A new report by Chain Reaction Research presents data on specific actors linked to Cerrado deforestation in 2020, including the quantified risk exposure of the largest soy traders, meatpackers, and retailers.
Recensement des entreprises françaises impliquées dans l’agriculture de différents pays tiers en 2020
For the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund a minority stake in one of the largest grain traders could boost food security for the United Arab Emirates, amid concerns brought on by disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
- Bloomberg
05 September 2020
Agricultural commodities trader Louis Dreyfus Company has launched a venture capital programme to invest in food and farming firm