• El Banco Mundial se propone inyectar dinero a uno de los acaparadores de tierras agrícolas mas grandes de América Latina
    • GRAIN
    • 07 June 2011

    El 10 de junio de 2011, la junta directiva de la Corporación Financiera Internacional (CFI) del Banco Mundial tiene previsto decidir sobre la conveniencia de ofrecer un préstamo esencial para Calyx Agro Ltd.

  • World Bank set to finance one of Latin America's largest farmland grabbers
    • GRAIN
    • 07 June 2011

    On 10 June 2011, the board of the World Bank's International Finance Corporation will likely approve a loan that will enable a company controlled by France's Louis Dreyfus Group to significantly expand its farmland holdings in the Southern Cone.

  • La Banque mondiale s’apprête à financer l’un des plus grands accapareurs de terres agricoles en Amérique latine
    • GRAIN
    • 07 June 2011

    Le 10 juin 2011, les administrateurs de la Société financière internationale de la Banque mondiale vont probablement accorder un prêt qui permettra à une société appartenant au Groupe (français) Louis-Dreyfus d’élargir considérablement ses holdings agricoles dans le Cône Sud.

  • Who's who of South America corporate farm giants
    • Progressive Farmer
    • 12 August 2010

    With the surge of corporate farms in Argentina and Brazil over the past two to three years, I thought it would be useful to compile a list of the biggest groups with a short description of each.

  • Dreyfus sees commods consolidation, sugar next
    • Reuters
    • 27 October 2009

    Volatility in commodity markets tends to boost consolidation in the agriculture sector as firms require more capital and improved risk management, the executive officer of French giant Louis Dreyfus said Tuesday. One of the company's focus now is on farmland.

  • Japan changes tack to fix food shortage
    • Financial Times
    • 03 August 2009

    After focusing for decades on oil, metals and minerals, Japan's huge trading houses are turning to agricultural commodities, with Tokyo enthusiastically supporting the shift amid concerns about local and global food security .

  • Commodity giants on our shores
    • Business Day
    • 23 February 2009

    “We have a land fund in South America, we have in Ukraine. Now we are developing one in Africa. We need to acquire land for farming,” says Guy de Montule, Louis Dreyfus’ chief executive officer for Middle East and Africa

  • PE looks at Brazilian agriculture
    • PE Hub
    • 11 October 2008

    Private equity funds remain optimistic that Brazil’s farm sector offers investment opportunities despite the deteriorating world credit market, executives said on Thursday.

  • Private equity bullish on Brazil ag despite crisis
    • Reuters
    • 09 October 2008

    Private equity funds remain optimistic that Brazil's farm sector offers investment opportunities despite the deteriorating world credit market, executives said on Thursday.

  • Enter the new farmers
    • Reuters
    • 25 July 2008

    What’s with farming these days? The humble, even if slightly romantic vocation, is attracting a new breed of participants as investing in farmland and agriculture becomes the latest fad in the world of investments.

  • Financializing Food: Schroders Closes One Fund, Launches New as Speculative Money Continues to Flood into Commodity Funds
    • Indonesia Investmenet Coordinating Board
    • 08 July 2008

    Gobal fund manager Schroders is launching an Agricultural Land Fund, only months after closing its USD 6 billion Alternative Solutions Agriculture Fund due to excessive investor demand.

  • Food Is Gold, So Billions Invested in Farming
    • New York Times
    • 05 June 2008

    Huge investment funds have already poured hundreds of billions of dollars into booming financial markets for commodities like wheat, corn and soybeans. But a few big private investors are starting to make bolder and longer-term bets that the world’s need for food will greatly increase — by buying farmland, fertilizer, grain elevators and shipping equipment.

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