Human rights organizations and parliamentarians from West African countries and Zambia in East Africa have expressed interest in Sierra Leone’s new land laws and efforts to resist and negotiate better terms with international companies.
Ausländische Investoren haben Sierra Leones Kleinbauern mit Pachtverträgen über Jahrzehnte Land abgeluchst. Neue Gesetze sollen das nun verhindern.
Foreign investors have been grabbing land from Sierra Leone's small farmers for decades. New laws are now aimed at preventing this.
Women in the districts of Bombali and Pujehun, affected by the large-scale land acquisition by multilateral companies have called on the government to ensure inclusiveness in decision- making and good governance of their lands.
- Politico SL
14 December 2021
Examples of large-scale land acquisitions in Sierra Leone (Addax/Sunbird Bioenergy and Socfin) and the DR Congo (Feronia) call for European and African governments and development banks to stop funding such operations
Trois nouveaux rapports sur les expériences autour de Addax (Sierra Leone), Socfin (Sierra Leone) et Feronia (RD Congo). Coordonné par CIDSE.
The struggles continue for the communities displaced by the Addax Bioenergy project in Sierra Leone and their situation is getting worse as the lands are handed over from one company to the next.
Update report on the Addax land grab in Sierra Leone - originally fuelled by European development banks, then taken over by Sunbird Bioenergy and then by Brown Investment Plc
- Bread for All
19 November 2020
The Dutch development bank FMO says its investments promote oil palm plantations in local communities. But the local communities are not welcoming these plantations. They want their land back.
The Addax Bioenergy project continues to pose challenges to communities in Sierra Leone nine years after its start. In a new turn of events, the whole community of Tonka community has been informed it will be relocated.
El año 2017 terminó como uno de los más fatídicos para los defensores de la tierra. También fue un año muy malo para muchos acaparadores de tierras.
L’année 2017 s’est avérée l’une des années les plus mortelles pour les défenseurs des terres. L’année a été assez mauvaise aussi pour plusieurs accapareurs de terres.