Sierra Leone Climbing out of poverty
- Swedfund International
- 28 August 2013
Swedfund film focuses on the people living in the Sierra Leone countryside affected by the Addax Bioenergy sugarcane project.
Swedfund film focuses on the people living in the Sierra Leone countryside affected by the Addax Bioenergy sugarcane project.
Push to lure foreign investors has led to a rise in social problems, sparking fears of a return to conflict, warns NGO
A new report, ‘Who Is Benefitting?', examines the impact on local communities of large land leases held by three investors in Sierra Leone.
Nationale und internationale Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen Österreich. Indirekt werde von der Österreichischen Entwicklungsbank (OeEB), ein Unternehmen der Republik Österreich, ein Projekt finanziert, das Landraub (Landgrabbing) in Sierra Leone betreibe.
La Plateforme "agrocarburants" est consternée par la certification accordée à l'entreprise genevoise Addax Bioenergy par la Table ronde sur les biocarburants durables (RSB).
On 2 March, officials of Swiss company Addax Bioenergy went to install pegs on a large stretch of boli land without reference to the owners of the land and in contrast with the lease agreement which says the company shall only concentrate on the upland.
Alors que 13 000 personnes vivraient sur les terres allouées à Addax Bioenergy, le réseau Silnorf demande que « le droit à la sécurité alimentaire soit effectivement mis en œuvre en Sierra Leone ».
Executive summary of Swedwatch's report on the Swedfund-supported Addax Bioenergy project in Sierra Leone
Les œuvres d’entraide suisses demandent aux autorités suisses de s’assurer que les fonds publics versés par la Confédération ne financent pas l’accaparement des terres par les multinationales dans les pays du Sud, notamment en Afrique.
A slide show by GRAIN that profiles some of those who have been most actively pursuing or supporting farmland grabs around the world.
This report by Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food and Bread for All lays out the major concerns of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and affected land users on the Addax Bioenergy project in Sierra Leone as of September 2012.
The Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food has published an Annual Monitoring Report on the sugarcane-to-ethanol project of the Swiss firm Addax Bioenergy. Some positive changes are acknowledged by SiLNoRF, e.g. on employment. However, there are still many issues of concern, such as communities asking for a written agreement from Addax to prevent it from using more than the demarcated land.
JD Vance funded AcreTrader. Here’s why that matters.
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