The Sierra Leone Agriculture signed a 50-year lease for 41,582 hectares of land for the development of palm oil, displacing over 30,000 residents and farmers, mostly women, in the Northwest district of Sierra Leone
- Radio Bankasoka
31 October 2020
Sous la menace de l’accaparement de la société agro-industrielle Biopalm, des femmes autochtones Bagyeli du département de l’Océan disent non à la production du palmier à huile dans leurs forêts.
The courageous victory of the villagers of Port Loko to get their lands back is an inspiration to communities affected by oil palm plantations from across Africa and the world.
The decision marks the first time in Sierra Leone's history that a community has been able to win back land leased to a foreign company
Chinnakannan Sivasankaran, “one of the world’s largest farmland holders”, allegedly used bankruptcy for fun and profit.
- Daily Beast
11 October 2015
Une joint-venture indo-israélienne spécialisée dans l'huile de palme vient de bénéficier d'une incroyable exemption fiscale de la part du pouvoir ivoirien.
- Nouveau Courrier
15 October 2014
Siva Group's oil palm plantation land deal in Papua New Guinea described as "one of the worst land development schemes ever".
- Pacific Media Centre
14 October 2014
L'irruption dans l'agrobusiness d'un milliardaire indien de l'informatique donne une image inquiétante du rôle actuel de la finance dans l'agriculture
An IT billionaire's foray into agribusiness paints a disturbing picture of today's farmland financiers.
Betapa luas perkebunan sawit di indonesia dan di dunia, namun seberapa besar kesejahteraan rakyat yang diberikan oleh sektor ini? Sangat sedikit kalau tak boleh dikatakan sebaliknya, bisnis industri minyak sawit kerap memperparah kemiskinan yang ada.
- Bina Desa
01 October 2014
Palm oil company DekelOil, which operates plantations and a mill in Ivory Coast, says it raised £700,000 through a share placing anchored by high profile Africa-focused fund Nubuke.
- Proactive Investors
13 Mar 2014
Malaysia's third-largest listed plantation company, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd, said it had agreed to a $21.3 million cash acquisition to gain a foothold in the palm oil sector in Liberia.