Tumbling corn and soybean prices are sparking defaults, undermining returns for so-called Fiagros, the Brazilian investment funds backed by agricultural receivables such as interest, dividends and land-lease payments.
Cargill is selling its $48.8 million poultry farm and processing plant in Anhui province to DCP Capital, a Beijing-based private equity firm with Singapore's GIC and Temasek as investors, and the Canadian pension fund CDPQ
Una oleada de conflictos violentos azota el campo paraguayo; la provoca la demanda de tierras para un único cultivo: la soja.
- Global Witness
06 December 2022
For Minneapolis-based Proterra Investment Partners, the sale represents a second lucrative exit in its agricultural funds, after it sold a 22,386-hectare cropping portfolio in Victoria and South Australia last year.
Global Witness appelle à une "action immédiate" de la part de Cargill, Hershey's, Kellogg, Nestlé et PepsiCo afin de prévenir les violations des droits de l'homme et des droits fonciers dont seraient victimes les populations indigènes d'Amazonie.
How multinational companies sponsor agribusiness lobby and sustain the dismantling of socio-encironmental reglation in Brazil
- De Olho nos Ruralistas
18 July 2022
Relatório inédito revela participação direta de multinacionais no lobby ruralista; além de atuar em associações que financiam o Instituto Pensar Agro, empresas como Bayer, Basf, Syngenta, JBS, Cargill e Nestlé mantiveram 278 reuniões com o alto escalão do governo Bolsonaro
- De Olho nos Ruralistas
18 July 2022
A community of fishermen and acai gatherers are suing Cargill in federal court in Brazil, accusing the company of stealing their land, acquiring it through third parties bearing allegedly fake land titles.
Fresh from making $360 million from the sale of its Corinella farms, US investment company Proterra has put another $400 million of Australian farm and water assets on the market.
US-based Proterra Investment Partners has banked over $360 million selling 49 farms to 23 local buyers in Australia.
- Real Estate Source
12 December 2021
Des recherches menées par l'ONG Public Eye révèlent que des sociétés de négoce contrôlent plus de 550 plantations couvrant quelque 2,7 millions d'hectares depuis leurs bureaux à Genève et Zoug.
- swissinfo
02 December 2021
ADM, Bunge and Cargill are dealing in conflict-tainted soy sourced from producers in the Cerrado, and in doing so are contributing to land conflict and alleged human rights abuses, in violation of their responsibilities under UN and OECD human rights standards.
- Global Witness
23 November 2021