ONG vs trader: L'Afrique et la faim, une occasion en or pour les hedge funds
- L'Echo
- 07 June 2010
Finis les produits financiers complexes, place aux investissements concrets. Aussi concrets qu’une ferme ou un champ de blé.
Finis les produits financiers complexes, place aux investissements concrets. Aussi concrets qu’une ferme ou un champ de blé.
Farmland, whose $5,000bn value equates to about 7-10% of the value of world equity markets, could be worth 15-25% of share values by 2020, Hardman & Co analysts say
There is something amazingly patronising in the way Payne claims that Emergent has ‘adopted’ a Mozambican village of 3,000 people and hired its citizens to clear 2,000 acres of land to farm it with her firm.
There are some 17 private equity funds expecting to invest $2bn-odd in agriculture in Africa in the next two years.
Listening to Susan Payne you could be forgiven for thinking land funds are a holy grail for the ethical investor: money-making opportunities with a sanctifying air of do-goodery.
There’s a whole school of economic thought that says that Collier is wrong, that big is not necessarily better in agriculture — and that the land deals therefore might be unwise not because they’re wrong but because they’re unprofitable.
Provisional authorization for land exploitation (1 000 ha) in the Gaza province and Terms of authorization of project "Emvest Limpopo Project (Matuba Farm)"
"Liquidam as terras africanas. Constrangem milhares de pequenos produtores à miséria. Isto é intolerável. A terra deve continuar a ser um património da comunidade em África", afirma o presidente do comité executivo da Rede das Organizações Camponesas e Produtores Agrícolas da África Ocidental (ROPPA), Ndiogou Fall
"They are selling off African land for a song," said Ndiogou Fall, president of the executive committee for the Network of Peasant Organizations and Producers in West Africa (ROPPA), which is calling for dialogue between governments, producers and African and foreign investors.
"On brade les terres africaines. On contraint des milliers de petits producteurs à la misère. Cela est insupportable. La terre doit rester un patrimoine de la communauté en Afrique", affirme ainsi le président du Comité exécutif du Réseau des organisations paysannes et des producteurs agricoles de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA), Ndiogou Fall.
For investors like Susan Payne, the chief executive of Emergent Asset Management, farmland in sub-Saharan Africa is a hot bet.
Because of the political sensitivity of the modern-day land grab, it is often only the country's head of state who knows the details. Der Spiegel investigates.
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