Respect and protect the Mekong people’s rights to land and resources: A call for support
    Threats of and actual displacements of rural communities in the Mekong have been on the rise amid increasing land deals for corporate plantations, mining, logging, biofuels, food crops for exports.
    • Mekong Solidarity
    • 11 September 2019
    ASEAN guidelines for responsible investment in food, agriculture and forestry
    ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry adopted by ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) in October 2018 through a multistakeholder process involving the ASEAN Secretariat, Grow Asia, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation and a World Bank trust fund.
    • IISD
    • 30 Mar 2019
    Time for an ASEAN Criminal Court?
    An ASEAN criminal court, like the ICC in The Hague, could criminally prosecute land grabbing in southeast Asia, some argue
    • The Diplomat
    • 16 December 2016
    The great Southeast Asian land grab
    Disputes over land tenure threaten social harmony in a number of ASEAN countries
    • The Diplomat
    • 08 August 2013
    International civil society warns nations of ‘resource grabbing’
    The Asia-Europe People’s Forum has urged the 51 state leaders of the Asia-Europe Meeting Summit to protect the tenure rights of small-scale food producers and to ensure a more equitable governance of natural resources.
    • Inquirer
    • 08 November 2012
    Can ASEAN help regulate Southeast Asia’s land grab problem?
    Land rights advocates are hoping ASEAN will come up with a regulatory framework to check private sector investment in land, particularly for agriculture, as land grabs and land-related conflicts soar in the region.
    • TrustLaw
    • 05 October 2012
    Hassad to invest in staple food production
    Qatar will make more investments overseas to produce key agricultural and horticultural commodities to ensure food supply security at home and will simultaneously focus on raising self-sufficiency in local produce.
    • The Peninsula
    • 04 May 2011
    Global land grabbing: Eroding food sovereignty
    Land deals, whether as direct purchases or long-term leases, are being brokered in poor countries by advanced capitalist countries and their TNCs
    • PAN AP
    • 14 January 2011
    Farmers forgotten in oil-for-food deals
    Southeast Asian countries took big steps towards formalizing food-for-oil deals with Gulf states at a June meeting between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Gulf Cooperation Council.
    • Asia Times
    • 31 July 2009
    Les pays du Golfe veulent acheter des terres en Asie
    L'appel est quasiment passé inaperçu la semaine dernière. Mais les six pays du Conseil de coopération du Golfe ont proposé, à Bahreïn, aux dix membres de l'Asean un partenariat dans le domaine alimentaire : des terres agricoles contre du pétrole.
    • Le Figaro
    • 07 July 2009
    Business council set to boost Thai investments
    "We believe there are many opportunities for investment in Thailand and Philippines and for both countries in Bahrain," a Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry representative said. "Food security is one area we are trying to emphasise. We had discussions in planting and growing bananas and rice in both countries."
    • Gulf Daily News
    • 06 July 2009
    GCC, ASEAN eye new trade bloc based on food, oil
    Asian nations want to secure their energy needs, while Gulf Arab states are targeting investments in farmland to secure their food supply.
    • Reuters
    • 30 June 2009

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  • 07 Oct 2025 - Cape Town, South Africa
    Land, Life and Society: International conference on the road to ICARRD+20
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