Big financial institutions rake in profits bankrolling the destruction of the land, homes and livelihoods of communities who have safeguarded their forests for generations
- Global Witness
21 October 2021
Global Witness exposes how more than 300 banks and investors back six of the world’s most harmful agribusinesses to the tune of $44bn
- Global Witness
23 September 2019
The African Agricultural Capital Fund, which is backed by USAID, Bill Gates and JP Morgan, has invested $1.2 million in NUAC, a company owned by several Danish partners that operates Uganda's largest farm.
Landgrab celebrated on this April 24th at the Waldorf Astoria. We must move faster & with force - not get trapped by systematic 1%er crimes like the Global Ag.
- irREVERENTfilms
19 April 2012
A small but growing number of the world's wealthy are shoring up their portfolios with investments in forestry and farmland in an effort to take the sting from losses in more traditional assets as the financial crisis trundles on.
Catherine Flax, JP Morgan's CEO for Commodities, says that investors and even countries are looking at assets such as agricultural land.
A hunt by investors for a bright spot in the global economic downturn has led to the farm.