A new report launched today takes the most comprehensive look to date at how corruption is fuelling the global land grabbing crisis, which has seen millions of people displaced from their homes and farmland.
- Global Witness
17 November 2016
Desde a última grande crise alimentar, governos e empresas de nações ricas têm comprado ou arrendado terras férteis de países em desenvolvimento, em especial na África. Benefícios desses negócios para as populações locais? Poucos ou nenhum.
- Brasil 247
08 October 2014
"Le Parlement européen a choisi le juste milieu", analyse Olivier De Schutter, "mais il envoie un signal très clair au marché : plus d’huile devra encore être produite et plus de pressions seront encore exercées sur les terres dont la valeur va encore augmenter."
Frameworks that emphasize procedural safeguards to protect land users’ rights are ineffective at contesting the power dynamics at play in land transactions.
Transcription d'une table ronde organisée à Paris le 8 avril 2013 avec Stefano Liberti, Olivier de Schutter, Luc Lamprière et Anne-Cécile Robert
This article calls into question the depth and effectiveness of a regulatory approach arguing that problems underlying large-scale land deals are so deep constituting socio-institutional problems of power asymmetry, exclusion and invisiblization, than just investment externalities or regulatory challenges.
Le Débat Africain se penche cette semaine sur le fléau de l'accaparement des terres en Afrique.
Intensive use of land for food exports and biofuel production must not come at the expense of human rights in Southeast Asia, the United Nations warned.
"On se tromperait si on se disait que c'était une bonne idée parce que les rendements augmentent. Car ce n'est pas au bénéfice des populations locales. Pour l'instant c'est plus une menace qu'une opportunité."
Conference organised by the Greens / EFA in the European Parliament
The adoption by the UN Committee on World Food Security of international guidelines to regulate land grabs has been pushed to next year
A U.N. intergovernmental body on food security has failed to adopt international guidelines on land governance, delaying efforts to regulate so-called land-grabbing as investors race to snap up agricultural land.