• Korea shifting to agricultural aid in resource diplomacy
    • Joong Ang Daily
    • 25 September 2009

    The Korea Rural Community Corporation, under the Agriculture Ministry, said it is also in talks with other resource-rich countries about deals in exchange for support for the construction of agricultural infrastructure or farms. Among the negotiating partners mentioned were Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Senegal and Mongolia.

  • Agricultural investment firm opened
    • Arab News
    • 09 September 2009

    Saudi Arabia announces the launch of Agroinvest, which will focus on farm acquisitions abroad to grow wheat, rice, soybeans and other crops in Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan and Turkey

  • Asian interest in Aussie farmland: rural rebound
    • The Australian
    • 03 September 2009

    Ray White Rural chairman Paul White said there was interest in Australian rural property from Chinese, Malaysian and Indonesian investment groups, looking to secure their food supply for the future.

  • Land for farming on sale
    • The Star
    • 30 June 2009

    Will Malaysia be emulating other nations by looking abroad to plant staple crops like rice, or rear cows, goats, chicken and fish to secure a sustainable food supply?

  • KS Oils acquires additional 14,000 ha of land
    • KSNR
    • 24 June 2009

    KS Oils acquires additional 14,000 HA land for oil palm plantations in Indonesia, owning a total of 34,000 ha.

  • Don’t be so quick to sell off the farmland
    • Jakarta Globe
    • 18 June 2009

    If Indonesia decides to go ahead with leasing farmland, it should do so with caution, keeping an eye on both the risks and the opportunities. We need to understand that we have a very strong bargaining position.

  • Food security: We need a strategy for rice
    • Jakarta Post
    • 17 June 2009

    Singapore's Temasek is seeking to buy land in North Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi, where they plan to grow high-quality rice.

  • Mideast grabs land elsewhere
    • CNN
    • 21 May 2009

    CNN's John Defterios takes a look at how Middle Eastern countries are scouring the globe for farmland.

  • L'Arabie saoudite vise une autosuffisance alimentaire délocalisée
    • Le Monde
    • 17 April 2009

    En janvier, le premier riz “saoudien” produit à l’étranger a été présenté au roi Abdallah. Le consommateur saoudien ne goûte pas la différence. En dépit du renversement de conjoncture, il continue à payer son alimentation à un prix élevé, correspondant au niveau en vigueur pour les achats massifs effectués en 2008 afin de prévenir toute crise alimentaire.

  • The growing lust for agricultural lands
    • Le Monde
    • 14 April 2009

    Not a day goes by without new acreage being signed over. "For Sale" ads for agricultural property are now featured in the international financial press. And there's no dearth of clients.

  • Les terres agricoles, de plus en plus convoitées
    • Le Monde
    • 14 April 2009

    "Je crois que les tensions seront inévitables où que ce soit, faisant des enclaves agricoles étrangères de véritables forteresses assiégées."

  • Saudis establish agribusiness to invest overseas
    • Reuters
    • 13 April 2009

    An agricultural investment firm owned by the Saudi government will focus on investing abroad to cultivate mainly wheat, rice, sugar and soybeans, a senior agriculture ministry official said on Monday.

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