• Africa's green revolution stumbles at Congo project to solve food shortages
    • Reuters
    • 23 May 2018

    The African Development Bank is nevertheless accelerating a push for projects such as the failed 80,000 hectare Bukanga Lonzo project in the DRC, for which it provided about $1 million to finance a feasibility study.

  • Africa: Hunger in times of land, water, and energy pressures
    • IFPRI
    • 11 October 2012

    Growing scarcity and degradation of farmland, rapidly rising incomes, and changing consumption patterns have all contributed to an increasing number of international land investments or land deals.

  • Growing Africa's land
    • This is Africa
    • 02 July 2012

    "Africa will be more food insecure if these investments go to other parts of the world and Africa has to turn to those places to buy food," according to Dr Ousmane Badiane of IFPRI

  • Achat de terres agricoles en Afrique : une nouvelle colonisation ?
    • RFI
    • 17 April 2012

    Emission de RFI avec Ibrahima Coulibaly, président de la Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes du Mali et membre du comité de coordination internationale de La Via Campesina, Ousmane Badiane, directeur pour l’Afrique à IFPRI et Mathieu Boche, doctorant au CIRAD, spécialisé sur les questions de propriété foncière.

  • Débat sur l’accaparement des terres : et l’égalité entre hommes et femmes dans tout ça ?
    • ILC
    • 07 February 2011

    Une approche tenant compte de l’égalité des sexes est essentielle si l’on veut vraiment comprendre l’impact des transactions foncières, estiment des chercheurs de l'IFPRI

  • Revisiting the issue of “land grabbing”
    • Capital Ethiopia
    • 27 December 2010

    Affected rural poor communities and their allies are not likely to simply accept the land grabbing process in the way the World Bank and its supporters might suppose.

  • Land deals of wealthy nations
    • PRI
    • 24 November 2010

    Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Ruth Meinzen-Dick, a Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute, about the downside of land deals between countries.

  • African land grabbing: Whose interests are served
    • Brookings Institution
    • 25 June 2010

    Evidence suggests a marked disparity in the benefits received by those involved in and affected by these transnational land acquisitions, particularly for those originally dwelling on the land.

  • The new land rush in Africa: An interview with Michael Taylor of the ILC
    • SID
    • 07 June 2010

    ILC is actually trying to promote some sort of dialogue between the different proposals for principles for responsible farmland investment

  • FAO and World Bank back food pirates
    • Ground Reality
    • 18 November 2009

    And now the bad news. FAO has taken a U-turn in its clear position on the race by food-importing countries and private companies to buy land overseas for domestic food and agriculture needs.

  • Is Africa's land up for grabs? [EN, FR, DE]
    • Modern Ghana
    • 11 November 2009

    “Governments are sitting on a box of dynamite,” Namanga Ngoni, president of AGRA, initiated by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, told the media.

  • CGIAR joins global farmland grab
    • GRAIN
    • 08 September 2009

    An internal document recently posted on IRRI's website reveals that the Institute has been advising Saudi Arabia in the context of its strategy to acquire farm land overseas for its own food production.

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