• L'Afrique face au défi de la relance agricole
    • Afrik.com
    • 09 December 2008

    Autre point soulevé : les investissements extérieurs dans l’agriculture africaine. Selon Alain Joyandet, « Ce phénomène doit être régulé avant qu’il ne devienne massif », a indiqué le secrétaéire d’Etat français.

  • La France inquiète de certains investissements agraires en Afrique
    • AFP
    • 08 December 2008

    L'exploitation de terres en Afrique par des investisseurs étrangers ne doit pas exposer les populations locales à des crises alimentaires, a souligné lundi le secrétaire d'Etat à la Coopération Alain Joyandet.

  • Saudi's Binladin Group to complete agricultural investment study soon
    • Jakarta Post
    • 19 November 2008

    The Saudi Arabia-based Binladin Group is expected to wrap up a feasibility study by the end of this year on investment in a massive food business program that will be located primarily in the eastern part of Indonesia, a senior official says.

  • All about investing in agricultural land
    • Farms.com
    • 15 September 2008

    As with timberland, while direct ownership and management (i.e., being a farmer), is a possibility, such a route is similarly fraught with difficulties. One of the most significant of these is the issue of diversification in the farmland itself - especially with a single investment. A well-diversified holding of farmland (row crop, permanent crop, pasture and even timber) will, therefore, not only require a significant investment, but may also involve land holdings in a number of different locations.

  • A new national strategy for agriculture
    • Oxford Business Group
    • 12 January 2008

    The Moroccan government has pursued a strategy of leasing state-farms previously under the management of Société de Développement Agricole (SODEA). A large number of bids were made by agricultural businesses from France, Egypt, Spain and the United Arab Emirates.

  • Bail emphytéotique entre le Cameroun et SOSUCAM
    • 20 April 2006

    Contrat signé avril 2006, concernant 12.000 ha. Sosucam est une filiale de Somdiaa, détenu par la société française Vilgrain.

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