• La apropiación de la tierra y el incremento del hambre
    • Deutsche Welle
    • 08 December 2009

    Unos 30 millones de hectáreas han sido vendidas en los últimos dos años, pero la población no ha visto las ganancias. Así lo informan varias organizaciones alemanas de ayuda humanitaria.

  • Foreigners own more US farmland
    • Delta Farm Press
    • 09 October 2009

    Foreigners have an interest (partial or total ownership) in 1.6 percent of all privately held US agricultural land, a 1.4 million acre increase from 2007.

  • Development experts fear unchecked international land grabs in Africa
    • Deutsche Welle
    • 13 August 2009

    The consensus is that Africa is being out-gunned. While regulations & rules are debated, the amount of land being bought up by foreign investors is increasing at a rapacious speed.

  • KTG Agrar to increase farmland 20-25% in year, CFO Blaesi says
    • Bloomberg
    • 29 July 2009

    KTG Agrar AG, Germany’s largest farming company, plans to increase land under management by 20 percent to 25 percent within a year. The company farms 29,000 hectares in eastern Germany and Lithuania.

  • Development policy stance on the topic of land grabbing – the purchase and leasing of large areas of land in developing countries
    • BMZ
    • 24 June 2009

    Recognizing that land is increasingly becoming a good that is traded internationally, this BMZ position paper analyses driving forces, risks and opportunities for developing countries.

  • Grüne wollen "land grabbing" in Entwicklungsländern verhinde
    • Deutscher Bundestag
    • 04 May 2009

    Die Fraktion Bündnis 90/Grüne fordert, "land grabbing" auf die internationale Agenda zu setzen und hierfür eine hochrangige Konferenz auszurichten, um mögliche Potenziale, Gefahren und Auswirkungen des Themas zu diskutieren

  • UN food agencies see "win-win" farmland deals
    • Reuters
    • 19 April 2009

    Rich nations buying farmland in less developed countries to boost own food supplies should also contribute to improving agriculture overseas, heads of two United Nations' food agencies said.

  • The Environmental Cost of Euro-Arab Scramble for Africa
    • American Chronicle
    • 26 February 2009

    Reports indicate the growing Euro-Arab-Asian interest to buy land in Africa for the food security of their home population, not Africa´s. However, seldom do these reports link the the appetite for farmland and energy investment on the continent with the current global economic crises.

  • Rising wheat crisis | Pakistan eyeing corporate farming
    • The Post
    • 12 October 2008

    Talks are on with investors from Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia. 25,000 Punjab villages will be affected.

  • Farmland fund to exploit food price boom
    • Financial Times
    • 15 September 2008

    The largest fund to invest in European farmland will be launched today, signalling investors' growing appetite for alternative ways to profit from a long-term rise in agricultural commodity demand and prices. The farmland fund, set up by Germany-based Palmer Capital Partners and UK-based Bidwells, is expected to raise about €300m ($425m) to buy arable land in Poland, Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic. It will also invest in western Europe.

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