Farmland investments and political risk - Venezuelan nationalisations

AgCapita press release | November 30, 2009

Calgary, Alberta

The Venezuelan government recently nationalised more than 48,000 acres of farmland, accusing the owners of not holding proper titles or not putting the land to "adequate" use.

Stephen Johnston, partner at Agcapita Partners LP, commented that, "Agcapita believes that political risk will be a key determinant of the returns to agriculture investments hence our focus on a stable market like Canada.  Foreign governments and institutional investors have only recently been moving into the space and in a very limited way and yet they have already generated considerable controversy and political backlash where they have deployed capital into the emerging markets.  We believe that this will only become worse over time as agricultural commodity prices increase and the issues of domestic food security and foreign control move to the top of the political agenda in the emerging markets."

Agcapita is a Calgary based agriculture focused private equity firm which manages RRSP and TFSA eligible farmland investment funds and is part of a family of funds focussing on commodity linked, hard asset investments with over $100 million in assets under management. Agcapita's investment team has over 50 years of investment and finance experience and its field team has over 150 years of direct farming experience.
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