Algeria, Tebboune: "Italy will invest in 36 thousand hectares of agricultural land in the south"

Agenzia Nova | 24 June 2024

Algeria, Tebboune: "Italy will invest in 36 thousand hectares of agricultural land in the south"

Italy will invest in 36 thousand hectares of agricultural land in southern Algeria. This was reported in a press release from the Presidency of the Republic, in which we learn that the North African country has generated 1,2 billion dollars thanks to the production of durum wheat, bringing Algiers close to "total self-sufficiency".

The president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, he ordered to set a strategic objective to extend the cultivated area in the south to 500 thousand hectares, in particular "with investments from Qatar for 117 thousand hectares and from Italy for 36 thousand hectares, as well as national investments for 120 thousand hectares".

Tebboune also asked the Ministry of Agriculture to involve farmers in raising awareness in order to improve yield per hectare, particularly in the south of the country.

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