Honduran campesino criminalisation during COVID19


CNTC | October 2020 [ES]

A report published originally in Spanish in October 2020 by the Honduran campesino organization the CNTC General Secretary Franklin Mauricio Almendares. 


Since its founding in January 1985, the CNTC (National Union of Rural Workers) has worked for access to land and land titles, agricultural and forestry production, training for its members (at the Regional and National level), and including women and youth in the development of all activities. It continues these activities to strengthen organizaionally as a peasan union and as Productive Enterprises dedicated to the agricultural productivity and economic development of our affiliated small farmer groups so they can improve their living conditions in rural areas. 

However, the fight to achieve these goals has been difficult and complicated; we have even had to risk our lives for this cause as a consequence of the unequal system that does not have any political will for campesino families to have equalrights and to benefit from projects that could provide them with comprehensive development. 

The arrival of the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has created more unfavorable conditions for our dedenders of the land and territory due to the creation of emergency decrees and the increased isolation of our communities from society. This, combined with police and military control of civic life, has increased the criminalization of the struggle for access to land and it violates the human rights of our campesino brothers and sisters. 

What follows with the link below is a chronological summary with photos of events that have been  occurring in our territories during the health emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic.


translated from the original Spanish report by V. Cervantes
    Posted by: Vicki L Cervantes
  •   CNTC
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