ILC global report on Commercial Pressures on Land: issues and conceptual framework


International Land Coalition | 17, April, 2009


ILC global report on CPL: issues and conceptual framework for analysis and

The International Land Coalition, in close collaboration with its members and partners, has started a research process that will lead in the second half of 2010 to the release of a global report seeking to understand the current and anticipated impacts on poverty of commercial pressures on land, and to explore possible policy and operational solutions both to mitigate negative impacts and to enable poor land users to benefit from possible opportunities.

In order to do that, ILC member AGTER was contracted on behalf of other ILC members to carry out a scoping study identifying CPL priority areas for investigation and providing, among other things, a conceptual framework for further researches to be coherent and allow comparaison and transversal thinking amongst the different thematic areas concerned by CPL.

Here below you can download and read french and english versions of this background analysis.

ENG: Issues and conceptual framework for ILC study

FRA: Problematique et cadre conceptuel pour l’etude de l’ILC
  •   ILC
  • 17 April 2009

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