Online Discussion - 17 July to 7 August, 2019
Land and Corruption in Africa in 3 Topics
From 17 July to 7 August, 2019, we are holding an online dialogue on Land and Corruption in Africa in 3 Topics, and we would greatly appreciate your participation.
The discussion will address the role of traditional leaders in customary land administration, forced evictions as a form of land corruption and its impact on women's land rights and an analysis of alternative dispute resolution systems in addressing land corruption.
To contribute to the dialogue, create an account on the Land Portal or sign into your account and add your contributions to the dialogue.
The aim of this dialogue is to:
- Collect recommendations for engaging in a gender responsive approach towards managing forced evictions.
- Examine the legal, institutional reforms and progress made towards making access to justice for all a reality.
Collect recommendations to better secure customary land rights within a dual land system, particularly in the context of the rising pressure on land brought about by the arrival of investors.
The results of this dialogue will be summarized in a report and will inform the Conference on Land Policy in Africa, CLPA-2019: “Winning the fight against Corruption in the Land Sector: Sustainable Pathway for Africa’s Transformation," which will take place in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, from 25-29 November, 2019.
This dialogue is co-hosted by the African Land Policy Center with the Conference on Land Policy in Africa, GIZ - German Cooperation, the Land Portal Foundation, Transparency International Kenya, the Ghana Integrity Initiative, the national chapter of Transparency International and Transparency International Uganda.