The Land Portal Foundation and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment launch the Thematic Portfolio on Land & Investments

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Land Portal | 15 March 2016

The Land Portal Foundation and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment launch the Thematic Portfolio on Land & Investments

Over the past decade, international investments in land have come to the forefront of public debate. Some argue that investments in land, including by foreign entities, is a critical component of achieving food security. Others argue that large scale land acquisitions, or what some refer to as ‘land grabbing,’ on the contrary, undermines efforts to overcome poverty and hunger by further marginalizing already vulnerable groups, including indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers.
The subject of land and investments covers everything from agriculture to mining, affects a diverse range of stakeholders, and remains highly polarizing.
In order to cut through the complexity, the Land Portal Foundation, together with the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), are launching a Thematic Portfolio on Land & Investments.
“Whether you are an investor or a land stakeholder looking to protect your investments or land holdings, this thematic portfolio on land and investments will provide you with the relevant data and connect you with the necessary resources to inform your decision making processes, whatever they may be,” said Laura Meggiolaro, Coordinator of the Land Portal Foundation. “In addition, this thematic portfolio is a powerful tool for research, bringing together the latest news, publications and debates on land and investments.”
This thematic portfolio includes a detailed narrative on land and investments written by CCSI. The narrative provides an overview of the relationship between land tenure and land investments, the international standards on land investments, the ongoing challenges associated with ensuring responsible investment, as well as ongoing initiatives aimed at increasing investment transparency.
"The narrative provides an overview of the relationship between land tenure and land investments, the international standards on land investments, the ongoing challenges associated with ensuring responsible investment, as well as ongoing initiatives aimed at increasing investment transparency," said Kaitlin Cordes, Head of Land and Agriculture at CCSI.
The portfolio includes a table of investment-related indicators from authoritative sources. Several indicators from the World Bank Land Governance Assessment Framework and World Governance Indicators demonstrate the transparency of the investment environment, while data from the Land Matrix database on large-scale land acquisitions shows the scale of current investments around the world.
A diverse range of indicators, including from the Agriculture Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI), the Global Donor Platform Map of Donors, the World Bank Rural Development Indicators and the FAO Agricultural Census, shed light on the agricultural sector, which is intimately related to development, land use and land investments.
The latest news, blogs, events and debates from around the world will help you to keep your finger on the pulse of land and investments around the world. Finally, the nearly 1000 publications consolidated from the Land Library on land and investments from diverse reputable publishers will make this thematic portfolio the go to source of information on land and investments.
This work is funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID) as part of the Land: Enhancing Governance for Economic Development (LEGEND) program.

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