Despite the Ethiopian government's brutal repression of opponents to its land policiies, the EU and German governments are providing it with 3.8 million euros towards a programme designed to encourage large-scale land deals for agriculture.
EU, Ethiopia, Germany launch 3.8 million euro project to support agricultural investments in Ethiopia
Today, the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources with support from the European Union and Germany launched a 3.8 million euro project to support responsible agricultural investment in Ethiopia.
According to a statement from the European Union office in Addis Abeba, the project will contribute to establish an accountable, conducive and transparent framework for socially and environmentally responsible and productive agricultural investments benefiting local communities and economies. The project will also support the development of a regulatory framework for equitable access to land and secure land tenure for all segments of Ethiopian society while establishing mechanisms to facilitate productive investments in agriculture by national and international private investors.
"The project, funded by the European Union (3 million euros) and the German Government (800,000 euros), is executed through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and implemented by the Ethiopian Agricultural Investment Land Administration Agency (EAILAA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR)," the statement said.
It added that large-scale agricultural investments in Ethiopia are expected to bring foreign currency and transfer technology to the country. Local communities will benefit from employment, technology and infrastructure related to these investments. Proper design, implementation and monitoring of investment projects will lead to the achievement of these objectives.