Insight Investments taps head of farmland team

Pensions & Investments | 10 May 2016

Insight Investments taps head of farmland team
Tom McKeon was appointed head of portfolio oversight for Insight Investment’s farmland investment team, said Reza Vishkai, head of the firm’s specialist investments group.
The position is new and based in London. Mr. McKeon will have primary oversight in relation to the farmland investments that Insight oversees, said Mr. Vishkai in an e-mail. “His role is consistent with his experience in successfully running large-scale corporate agricultural operations,” he said.
The firm established farmland capability in 2008. Insight oversees about $200 million in farmland investments.
Mr. McKeon was most recently CEO of Hassad Australia, the Doha-based Qatar Investment Authority’s food and agribusiness subsidiary. QIA has an estimated $256 billion of assets. Spokesmen could not be reached for comment by press time, but Hassad’s website said John McKillop was appointed CEO in February, with responsibility for the oversight and management of the business.
Insight Investment has £407 billion ($595 billion) of assets under management, including .about £138 million in farmland invested in five countries.
  •   P&I
  • 10 May 2016

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