Position of ADECRU on the visit of Prime Minister of Japan in Mozambique

ADECRU | 10 January 2014

Position of ADECRU on the visit of Prime Minister of Japan in Mozambique
The Japanese Prime-Minister is officially visiting Mozambique in the next days from 11th to 13th of January 2014.  According to the presidency of Republic of Mozambique through the press release circulated on 24 December 2013, the visit will focuses on the assessment of the political and diplomatic relations between the two countries, besides identifying new ways towards a consolidation. By the same way, as it mentioned in the press release, some judicial instruments and cooperation agreements in the education, energy and agriculture area will be celebrated.
The academic action for the development of Rural Communities – ADECRU denounces and strongly rejects the dangerous and imperial agenda of visit of the Japanese prime-Minister, Shinzo Abe, and the Japanese foreign policy for Mozambique and Africa, masked in diplomatic maxim “enforce and consolidations of political and friendly relations between the two people, supposedly, brothers” and translated into programs like ProSavana and New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa”. In that which is the first expansionist visit of high level from a governor of that Asiatic country to Mozambique, Shinzo Abe will also visit Ethiopia and Ivory Coast, two African countries curiously covered by the so-called “New Alliance in Africa”.
On the contrary, the final version released by Mozambican authorities, the visit of the Niponic Prime Minister in our country, together with 50 enterprises, must be seen in a large context of operationalization of the last and violent phase of effective structural adjustment of 21th century. Through the historic reasons behind the deafest suffered in the second world war and, nowadays, the hegemonic dispute in the Asia between Japan and Chine, this country is been obligated to change its policy and foreign agenda that during decades contributed for the development of agriculture and other sectors of Mozambique, turning over to serve imperial interests of the United State and other potencies.
Nowadays, the niponic authorities turn to be “bodily agents and global imperialism advancer agents” in the context f current process of penetration, occupation and domination of African continent which consist precisely in corporative capture and colonial subjugation of the continent and African people with the new effective front of attack against their sovereign, cultural diversity and biodiversity, transforming African in an open mercantile platform for the entry and free circulation of seed genetically modified and of great transnational corporations of extractive industry and agribusiness, owner of global food industry. 
The dangerousness of Japanese policy and presence in Mozambique and in Africa, in the last 10 years, is expressed and translated in its humiliating subjugation and colonial alliances with G8 countries and agencies namely: World Bank, United nations for Agriculture and Food (FAO) World Food Program, Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), United Sated Agency for International Development (USAID), Found for transnational cooptation for Agribusiness such as: Cargil, Itochu, Syngenta, Monsato, Yara, African Cashew Iniciative, Competetive African Cotton Iniciative, Corvuns International, AGCO, Nippon Biodiesel Fluel co.Idt, Vodafone, SAMBMiller and many others. 
Japan is an officially member of a group of 8 countries colonially regarded as the most developed countries in the world known as G8, where also integrate the united State, Germany, France, Italy, Netherland and Russia. the G8 in convince with the government of Mozambique, giants transnational cooperation and multilateral financial institutions   above mentioned are implementing an agricultural program so-called “New alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa”.

The new Alliance stems from an agreement  signed by some countries and financial institutions  and multilateral organizations international in 2009 at the G8 summit of L’Aquila, Italy, after having been presented for the first time by the Government of the united State of America, under the leadership of President Barack Obama with this initiative, the G8 argues that want to cooperate with African government to release 50 million Africans in poverty, 3.1 million of which in Mozambique between 2012 and 2011. Six African countries, of the 20 planned have already joined the New Alliance: Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania.
In Mozambique the operationalization of the New Alliance for Food is under the leadership of the World Bank, World Food program, Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) United State Agency for International Development (USAID) and major transnational corporation of Agribusiness such as: Cargill, Itochu, Syngenta, Monsato, Yara, African Cashew Initiative, Competitive African Cotton Initiative, Corvuns International, AGCO, Nippon Biodiesel Fuel co.ldt, Vodafone, SAMBMiller, etc. The strategy of the entry of the “New Alliance in Africa” is based on capture of the program of comprehensive Development of Agriculture in Africa (CAADP), with the aim to give some legitimacy to the action of G8. In Mozambique this intervention is supported by the argument to align the financial and technical support of countries member of the G8 for agriculture in Mozambique with priorities of Investment Plan of the CAADP of the country, referred as National Plan of investment for Agrarian Sector (PENISA)
In an colonial triangular partnership contested by respective people, the Japan is also under leadership of implementing other giant agribusiness program so-called ProSavana Program, launched, officially, in April 2011 which stems from a triangular partnership of the government of Mozambique, Brazil and Japan with the objective of, purportedly, promoting the development of agriculture in the tropical Savannah of Nacala corridor, in the north of the country.
The ProSavana program is in the process of running through the component “Quick Impact Projects” without any public discussion, presentation and approbation of the environmental assessment impact, one of principal and indispensable demands of Mozambican legislation for the implementation of such kind of project, normally, given the category A”, as denounced in open chatter, by Mozambican civil society in May in Toquio (TICAD V).
Through the 5th Annual General Assembly, held in December last, on the advance of agribusiness and the impact of expansion of monocultures of trees in the Niassa, Manica, Nampula, Sofala and Zambeze provinces, ADECRU concluded that the current policies and agrarian programs and of development of Mozambique like ProSavana and New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition are responsible for expropriation land grabbing, human rights violation, the violence and criminalization of members, communities leaderships and movements and social organizations that denounce and reject. By the same way, ADECRU give responsibility to the government and Japanese State for the increased pression on land, imminent risks of resettlement of people and destruction of their livelihood, to access water, cultural patrimony and other socio environmental conflict particular caused in the Corridor Development of Nacala.
“The right to land is not associated with valorisation of different ways of living and producing” in the communities acknowledging the contribution of people and rural communities which have given the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity; the recognition of natural resources as good and collective patrimony for currents and on coming generations . We argue and reaffirm that the right to land, water, healthy, education, housing, and safe food are sprightly linked, and the government and the state are the principal guarantor.
We warm for the dangerousness of imperialist programs like ProSAvana and New Alliance that will destroy the peasant systems of cultivation and the pluriactive character of famer families. The Nacala Found and New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition from G8 while instruments operators of ProSavana, represent a destruction of peasant agriculture. The silence of the government of Mozambique, Brazil and Japan on the answers of legitimate and sovereign demand from the rural communities of Nacala corridor, from peasants, social movements and civil society organization of Mozambique, Brazil, Japan is alienation and capture of the people sovereign.  
The Academic Action For the Development of Rural Communities – ADECRU, denounces and rejects the implementation of ProSavana and the so-called New Alliance due the following reasons:

·         The policy outlined to “save” Mozambique and whole Africa represent an imperialist imposition, drawn up in the major centres of decision-making and neo-liberal and neo-colonialist alliances.
·         The bases, founded and  the strategies of the pact doubly harmful ProSavana and new Alliance send us back to the colonial past slavery in which Mozambique and Africa have remained for over 500 years of domination and oppression, therefore paving great huddles for realizations of human rights,  social and environmental.
·         The ProSavana and New Alliance represent the most abusive and aggression ways of exploration and return in Mozambique of mercantilist cooperation, hidden assumptions in philanthropic to liberate Africa from famine and misery, ignoring the failures of several initiatives of genus implemented in the past by the same multilateral agencies and imperialist potencies.
·         The poSavana and New Alliance fosters and eases the reform of the legal framework on the land, bringing in the renting of land and subsequently its privatization under the pretext of improving the transparency and efficiency in administration and policy of land, legitimizing the land grabbing, seculars patrimony and means of sustaining of the communities and people.
·         The ProSavana and new Alliance speeds up the issue of rights of use and utilization of land (DUATs) through the elimination of communities consultations to promote the investment of Agribusiness.
 ·         The ProSavana and New Alliance force the change of national policies on fertilize rand seeds to enable entry of Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) and certification of the same by multinational such as Mansato;
 ·         The Japan and the G8 through it cooperation and agencies, want ensure the control of the principal geostrategic and agroecological regions of Mozambique, in possession of more than 70% of the potential of natural wealth and subsoil of the country, located in the Corridor of Development of Beira, Nacala and valley of Zambezi’
 ·         The priority of ProSavana and New Alliance is to attend the private companies, national international major producers of commodities and banks with a focus in the corridor of development to make them regions of flow of capital and export of primary products of global markets, deepening this way the serious problems related to land grab, involuntary displacement and resettlement of millions of people, environmental degradation and socio-environmental conflicts.
·         The Prosavana and New Alliance will fatally contribute to great impoverishment of the population and rural communities; by require the extensive and intensive use of land, water, energy and mechanization alienated. 
 ·         The ProSavana and New Alliance are constitutive parts of the decisive step of improvement and continuous strengthening of the strategy for the implementation of the structural adjustment policies on the Africa continent. its conception and matrix are directly linked to the development model adopted by Mozambican Government, which prioritizes the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and large projects at the expense of internal investment and interest of large majorities of farmers and rural communities, that is why the Academic Action For The Development of Rural Communities (DECRU) Argue:
 ·         That the African people are capable of being authors and protagonist of policy for its self-using development and that respond to the priorities, dreams, aspirations and theirs requirements.
·         Which African countries increase the budget of the State for the agricultural sector by more than 10% in compliance with Maputo Declaration of 2003.
 ·         That the Mozambican Government prioritizes the food sovereign, sustainable agriculture and agroecology as the solutions sustainable for the reductions of hunger promoting proper nutrition.
·         That the Mozambique government adopts policies for agricultural sector focused on support to agriculture peasant, whose priorities are based on access to rural credit, public services of agrarian extension, micro-systems of irrigation and valorisations of native seeds and resistant to climate changes, rural infrastructures connected to the creation of productive capacity and policies of supporting and encouragement to rural marketing.
·         The suspension of current process of reform of the legal framework on land. Seed and fertilizer headed by the World Bank and JICA; The urgent detention of ProSavana e New Alliance in Africa.
·         That the land is not privatized regardless of the circumstances and pressures that are to be exercised on the Mozambique government, since the land represent the major conquest and the main patrimony of the Mozambican people.
ADECRU demand that the President Armando Emilio Guebuza and the Japanese Prime-Minister, Shinzo Abe, announce publically, in Maputo, the detention of ProSavana and the New Alliance as answer to the legitimate and sovereign demands of people of Mozambique, Brazil and Japan. that the prime minister of Japan assume, publically, all responsibilities for the harmful consequences of currents Japanese programs  which promote the land grabbing, destruction of patrimonies and the livelihood of the communities in the Corridor of Nacala. We also demand that to two head of States to set up a broad mechanism of democratic dialogue and both member of the government should be criminally responsible for promoting actions of manipulations and intimidation to activist, leaders of civil society organizations and social movement that are against ProSavana and New Alliance.

Acknowledging the weakness and connivance of African and the institutions of Mozambique Government to cope with this onslaught of the government of Japan and G8 against the sovereign of the people, the Academic Action for the Development of Rural Communities (ADECRU) convokes all the movements   of peasants, environmental and social, rural communities, people of the good and people of the whole Africa for a broad mobilization, organization and constructions of national popular movement and continental to fight in defence of their rights and interest relating to c and control of land, water, goods and cultural patrimonies and common historic. Also, calls for a resistance vigorous and firm all the affected against the “ProSavana and New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa” and against all the social and environmental injustices.

ADECRU assume from this moment the commitment to use all national and international indispensable legal means to break dawn the implementation of ProSavana and New Alliance in Mozambique. We reaffirm our unconditional engagement  for the imperious priority of harding the fight in defence of land and natural resources while patrimonies of people, for the genuine agrarian reform and for guarantee and protection of communities, population and peoples’ rights.
Maputo, 09th de January de 2014

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