China intends to invest in an agricultural land irrigation system in Bulgaria

(L-R) Bulgarian Agriculture Minister Naydenov, China's Deputy Agri Minister Gao, Bulgarian PM Borisov, Chinese Ambassador Gao in Sofia in November 2011 (Source: What's on in Tianjin) 1 March 2013

China intends to invest in an agricultural land irrigation system in Bulgaria

China intends to invest in an agricultural land irrigation system in Bulgaria. This became clear at the meeting of Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Tsvetan Dimitrov with representatives of the Chinese state-owned company "Tianjin Agribusiness Company" which is handling large plots in northwestern Bulgaria and announced that it intends to expand in our country reports Standart.

The Chinese factory plans to build a factory for processing Bulgarian waste constituents of milk production and to export it to China in the form of dried derivatives.

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