Belgians are interested in opportunities to invest in agriculture and industry

Act Media | 25-08-2011

Belgians are interested in opportunities to invest in agriculture and industry

Belgians are interested in opportunities to invest in agriculture and industry The Boerenbond Association, the largest corporate organization of farmers and operators working in agriculture and industry in Belgium, is interested in the investment opportunities existing in Romania's agriculture and industry, reads a release of the Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAT).

According to the above-mentioned document, some of the opportunities to invest in agriculture and industry in Timis County (western Romania), which were presented to the Belgian delegation, are: setting up a centre for buying, selling and marketing farm produce, building some facilities for processing farm produce in the vegetal, vegetable and bioenergetic field, putting into operation the existing water pumping stations and making new investments in land irrigation, creating some large warehouses, rehabilitating and modernizing the road network with a view to making it easier for producers and processors to contact one another, setting up some animal farms, buying some farmlands in order to grow and turn bioproducts to account.

The Belgian farmers were also presented the quality and comparative advantages of Timis County, general data, the structure of the economy, the contribution made by this county and the Vest Region to Romania's economy, the turnover corresponding to various places, foreign investments, etc.

As for agriculture, the CCIAT representative gave statistical data referring to the farmlands in Timis County, the structure of the farmland ownership, the vegetal agricultural production in various crops, the livestock and the animal production obtained through turning it to good account, the situation of animal exports.

Minister of Agriculture Valeriu Tabara appreciated the visit paid by the delegation of Belgian farmers as very opportune and invited them to visit the western part of Romania too, which has an important investment potential.

At the end of the first quarter 89 Belgian companies were registered in Timis County, out of a total 7,795 joint ventures, with a subscribed share capital amounting to 2.7 million euros, of the total 899.1 million euros, said Rodica Olinic, CCIAT public relations adviser.

Last week CCIAT took part in a programme made up of three seminars under the motto 'Situation of Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Field in Romania. Future of Romanian Agriculture in European Union,' which was occasioned by the visit paid by the Boerenbond Association to Romania. The seminars were held in Bucharest, Minister of Agriculture Valeriu Tabara and Belgium's Ambassador Philippe Beke attending,Agerpres reports.

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