German investment funds involved in land grabbing

FIAN | 25 October 2010

Deutsche Bank’s subsidiary DWS Investment manages several funds with investments in farmland.

A research paper by Profundo prepared for FIAN Deutschland e.V.

DRAFT: The full study will be published in November by FIAN Deutschland e.V.

Profundo: Jan Willem van Gelder, Petra Spaargaren

FIAN Deutschland: Roman Herre

This report focuses on investment opportunities to invest in land grabbing offered to German private and institutional investors.

The main opportunities identified are divided in several categories. Chapter 1 will discuss these different opportunities for land grabbing, focusing on:

• Specialized mutual funds offered in Germany, investing in shares of stock-exchange listed agricultural companies. Some of these agricultural companies own large areas of land themselves, while others operate in other parts of the supply chain or operate in the agribusiness and chemical sectors (paragraph 1.2);

• German private equity funds, investing in land directly or in non-listed agricultural companies owning land outside Germany (paragraph 1.3);

• German stock-exchange listed agricultural companies owning land outside Germany (paragraph 1.4);

• Other German investment opportunities related to land grabbing (paragraph 1.5).

A list of investment opportunities will be created providing the following information: date of establishment, type of investment opportunity, financial volume, the financial institution offering/managing it, countries where is invested in.

After that, Chapter 2 will provide an in-depth case about the eight specialized mutual funds managed by Deutsche Bank (paragraph 2.2), and one specific private equity fund: DWS GALOF (paragraph 2.3).

Full Report: FIAN_Profundo_Landgrabbing
  •   FIAN
  • 25 October 2010

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