Allied Venture promo video for Indian investors
Ouyang Riping, PDG d’une société agricole chinoise, a une mission : transformer le Sénégal en grenier à sésame… pour la Chine ! Dakar lui cède 60 000 hectares pour cultiver et exporter le sésame vers Pékin. En échange, les chinois apprennent aux paysans sénégalais à obtenir deux récoltes de riz par an. Coopération originale ou marché de dupes ?
17 July 2009
Rather than participating in the race for farmland overseas, Japan should concentrate on raising its food self-sufficiency rate, which is now at about 40 percent.
- Yomiuri Shimbun
12 July 2009
In Benin, the race to buy land is on! States, corporations, multinationals and investment funds are hungry for farmland.
Le Bénin, l'un des rares pays à avoir échappé aux émeutes de la faim en 2008, subit aujourd'hui les méfaits de l'agrobusiness. La pression foncière y est particulièrement forte, notamment pour les paysans béninois, obligés de vendre.
Video from The Global Report reporting that the G8 will address land grabbing through win-win solutions
- The Global Report
08 July 2009
Videos for and against outsourcing food production to Africa
As world population expands, the demand for arable land should soar. At least that's what George Soros, Lord Rothschild, and other investors believe.
CNN's John Defterios takes a look at how Middle Eastern countries are scouring the globe for farmland.
The people who have agreed to give out their land for free to SEKAB have been mislead by unrealistic promises
- Riches of the Poor
20 May 2009
The United Nations says the issue of food security has become one of the world's fundamental challenges. In the Philippines, the government has started looking beyond its borders as it tries to boost domestic agriculture. Many small farmers, however, are not happy about that, as Marga Ortigas explains
Despite internal conflicts and an inability to feed its own people, Sudan believes it can be not only Africas breadbasket, but also the world's.