Up for grabs: Deforestation and exploitation in Papua’s plantations boom
    The planned expansion of plantations in the Papuan provinces of Indonesia should be immediately suspended and reviewed amid concerns over massive deforestation and widespread exploitation of local communities, environmentalists warned today.
    • EIA
    • 11 November 2009
    Marc Ravalomanana accuse!
    Sur les terres agricoles cédées à la compagnie Daewoo, l’ex-président de Madagascar dit : « Ce sont de fausses informations. Un accord avec la compagnie Daewoo nécessite la ratification du parlement. Nous étions encore en phase de négociations. C’est pourquoi, dès qu’il y a eu ces problèmes, Daewoo s’est déployé en République démocratique du Congo où elle a obtenu 4 millions d’ha. »
    • Les Afriques
    • 04 November 2009
    Razzia sur les terres arables
    Acheter des terres arables à l'étranger est devenu un investissement stratégique. Va-t-on vers un dépeçage de certains pays pauvres ? Reportage "Paroles du Monde" avec des représentants d'Agter, Le Monde et Agrogénération.
    • Public Sénat
    • 22 October 2009
    Ethiopia's farmland in high demand
    Officials in Ethiopia hope that the investment can help improve agriculture, replacing ox-and-plough with tractors, but some are concerned about whether the deals benefit the lessors.
    • Washington Post
    • 22 October 2009
    As US and other wealthy nations slash aid, UN warns of “silent tsunami of hunger” in global food crisis
    Devinder Sharma talks about landgrabbing in the context of the world food crisis on "Democracy Now!"
    • Democracy Now!
    • 14 October 2009
    Funds: Eastern Europe the focus for "Green Revolution II" investors
    It isn't often you sit down with a fund manager and begin the interview by discussing their new film.
    • Business New Europe
    • 05 October 2009
    Razzia chinoise sur terres camerounaises
    Après le pétrole, les minerais, les Chinois à la conquête des terres agricoles africaines…Exemple au Cameroun
    • ARTE
    • 12 September 2009
    Du Riz et des Hommes
    Film de Yann Verbeke
    • Switch Asbl
    • 25 August 2009
    Ukraine's agricultural revolution
    "The reasons [Ukrainians] choose to lease [Landkom] their land has nothing to do with money - it is an emotional desire to see their region go forward, that's all," says Paul Spinks.
    • BBC
    • 24 August 2009
    Neocolonialismo. Compra de tierras
    El incremento de las compras masivas de terrenos en África y otros continentes aumenta el riesgo de que los pobres se vean desposeídos o se les impida el acceso a la tierra y el agua. Informe de TV Pública, Argentina.
    • Visión Siete
    • 22 August 2009
    Foras rice project in Mauritania
    Foras Investment Company conducted a pre-feasibility study on rice plantation in Mauritania in 2008. The aim of the study is to sieze the opportunity of setting up a rice farm on 2000 hectares in Rosso area.
    • YouTube
    • 11 August 2009
    Laos faces deepening food crisis
    The Lao government says it's determined to improve the lives of its people by attracting foreign money. But in a country where simply putting food on the table is a daily challenge for many, their foreign investment may hinder more than help.
    • Al Jazeera
    • 27 July 2009

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  • 07 Oct 2025 - Cape Town, South Africa
    Land, Life and Society: International conference on the road to ICARRD+20
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